My throat hurts, swollen glands! :(?!

Question: My throat hurts, swollen glands! :(.?
Any recommendations on how to make this sore throat go away.? This started yesterday. I'm drinking tea and it is soothing it so far.Health Question & Answer

I hope you feel better

Take an analgesic to reduce inflammation; aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen for an adult, or acetaminophen or ibuprofen for children, as recommended by your doctor.

Suck on throat lozenges if you are an adult, especially those containing menthol, benzocaine or phenol, which numb the throat. Zinc lozenges may also be helpful. Children should suck on cough drops or hard candy.

Gargle with mint mouthwash or salt water.

Spray a throat spray containing numbing agents into the back of your throat, if you're an adult.

Brush your tongue. Sometimes, removing the buildup on your tongue can lessen the soreness in your throat.

Rinse your toothbrush in mouthwash between brushings to kill bacteria.

Drink ice-cold beverages. Try filling a glass half-full of crushed ice; then pour fruit juice over the ice. Let it sit for 10 minutes, insert a straw and suck slowly, letting the juice rest a minute on the back of your throat.

Add moisture to your environment with a humidifier or vaporizer, or sit in a steamy shower or bath.

Eat soft or liquid foods, especially sherbets and chicken broth.

Avoid cigarette smoke and other airborne irritants.
Health Question & Answer

OROFAR lozenges. This contains Lidocaine an anesthesia, it will soothe your swollen throat.

Gargle diluted Bactidol or if not available use 1 tsp salt diluted with warm water (be careful, not HOT but warm)

Drink warm water constantly, the recommendation is 8 glasses of fluids a day, add more! This will greatly help make healing faster as water removes toxins from the body and boosts immune system.

Take Vitamin C supplements! This will increase your immune system thus making healing faster.

Save you voice. Don't use your voice or limit it's usage for movement of your throat will give you pain.

Warm compress on your neck just near the area of your swollen throat (warm, not hot) will give you a soothing relief.

I hope that helps.

Regards and God bless you!

your nurse on duty,


Health Question & Answer

Take some tylenol or motrin and alternate it with Advil. I have bad throat problems. You would think that it would not affect your throat but, it really helps!

My first sign of a sore throat, I pop a couple of Tylenol and it prevents it from getting worse and stops the pain. My doctor recommend it when I had a severe case of tonsillitis. Since then I have prevented many cases by going ahead and taking the tylenol or motrin.

When my sore throat was severe, he had told me to alternate to take tylenol or motrin for four hours and then take the advil and the next four hours go back to the tylenol. Works great for me!

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