What could possibly cause my friend to stay skinny?!

Question: What could possibly cause my friend to stay skinny.?
I have a friend, male, 19, 6'2", and unbelievably skinny. I mean, not like starving to death skinny, but at LEAST supermodel skinny. I've known him for three or so years, and he's always been this way. I have other friends who have known him much longer, and they say he has always been this way.
The reason this concerns me is that his favorite foods are: pizza, cheeseburgers, rice/noodles from packets, and canned ravioli. Given that he never learned to cook and his parents rarely cook for him, this is pretty much ALL he eats. Furthermore, he does no more physical activity than it takes to get from his bed to his computer, and occasionally to work.
He gets sick often, although he says he rarely vomits, just feels like he's going to. And his reputation for clogging people's toilets precedes him wherever he visits. And yet he is still skinny as a stick. I'm not even exaggerating. I'll attach a couple pictures in additional details...

Well, he has no health insurance. And even if he did, I'd probably have to drag him to the doctor if he knew they were going to take his blood and look in his stomach and stuff. So does anyone have any idea what might be wrong with him.? I suppose it could be bulimia, but none of his close friends have ever detected it. What kind of physiological conditions (as opposed to mental ones) could possibly cause this.?Health Question & Answer

This sounds exaclty like my husband, who has Crohn's disease. He wasn't officially diagnosed until he was in his late 20's. Crohn's is a disease that affects the intestines, so they become inflamed from time to time when food is trying to pass. It's acually much more complicated, but if your friend has this, I'm sure the bathroom is his best friend. My husband's first "symptoms" were vomitting, headaches, diarrhea and finally blood in his stool.'
I hope your friend does not have this, it is a devastating disease, enen more so if you do not have insurance. But I read the description of your friend and it sounded SO MUCH like me husband, I had to share his story with you~
Health Question & Answer

i've had bulimia for years, and this doesn't sound like it really.
he's still a teen, so it's probably just a combination of fast metabolism and his height.

good luck :]Health Question & Answer

He could have parasites.Health Question & Answer

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