Chances of getting an infection?!

Question: Chances of getting an infection.?
I recently had my appendix removed (also a mass from my large intestines). If I dont take the antibiotics given to me, what are the chances of getting an infection.?
(Not saying I wont take them, just curious + it's hard to swallow pills for me)Health Question & Answer

Fortunately you've already told us you're going to take the antibiotics. If it's always difficult for you to swallow pills, ask your pharmacist or physician about liquid forms of medications. Most forms of antibiotics are available in liquid form. (Just something to remember for next time!)

We can't give you a % chance of whether you'll get an infection. This may depend on:

1. Was the surgery emergency or scheduled.? In an emergency surgery, there may be food and feces in your digestive system which can increase the possibility of infection. In a scheduled surgery, you'll be NPO (nothing by mouth) for several hours before the surgery to help prevent this.
2. Did your appendix burst.?
3. The skill of the surgeon.
4. The condition of your immune system. Some people are just more susceptible to infections.
5. If you're taking any medications that suppress your immune system (like steroids), you may be more susceptible to infection.

Please take all of your medications. Taking part of a prescription, then stopping, can cause overgrowth of "superbacteria" which may then require an even stronger antibiotic.Health Question & Answer

Can you cut the pills in half.? or if it's a capsule can you just crack the capsule open & empty the medication in a spoon of apple sauce or something just to make sure the medication gets into your system.? I would say a 50/50 chance for an infection if you DON'T take it.Health Question & Answer

You should consult your Doc on that one.Health Question & Answer

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