Undiagnosed and untreated cancer?!

Question: Undiagnosed and untreated cancer.?
Has there erver been a case where someone died due to undiagnosed and untreated cancer.? I tried to do a search on the internet and found nothing. I'm just wondering if this has ever happened. Health Question & Answer

I suspect this happens all the time, but unless the person has an autopsy, the cause of death is not certain. My uncle died of stomach cancer which had metastasized, but we didn't know it for nearly 20 years. When my aunt also died, we went through her things and found the autopsy report which said "carcinoma" instead of cancer. They were just simple country folks, didn't see the doctor unless they had a broken bone or something obvious, and she couldn't understand the report and never thought to inquire further.

Happens all the time...

What did you search for on the internet.? I typed in 'autopsy undiagnosed cancer' and found several cases. Here's just one: .?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0" rel="nofollow">http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journ...
Health Question & Answer

I know for a fact that this has happened. It grieved me.
Still, each of us has a legal right to our choices and beliefs.

When I was a Home Care nurse, I saw "suspicious" things. On those rare occasions when I couldn't convince patient to show/tell doctor, sometimes the patient died. NO one could know if it was due to the illnes for which I was visiting or the "new" problem.Health Question & Answer

Of course there has!

If it was undiagnosed, it would probably only show up if an autopsy was done.

Otherwise it would probably be tagged as "death due to undetermined causes."

In many cases, the old diagnosis of "Consumption" was probably cancer.Health Question & Answer

There was a case recently of a teenage boy who died with undiagnosed and untreated lymphoma. He was an organ donor. Several of the transplantees developed cancer and died. All of them had to go through chemotherapy.Health Question & Answer

Defiantly!! You would want to have it treated as soon as possible. Health Question & Answer

Sure, why not.? If u lived in the jungle, or have no access to medical attentionHealth Question & Answer

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