I have a question about pesticides and cancer.?!

Question: I have a question about pesticides and cancer..?
I have 2 kids, one of them is 2 and the other is 9 months. Now when I was pregant with my first child I had the exterminators come to my apartment and spray for spiders.

Now the exterminator said that I did not have to leave the house or anything like that. So in the summer I would get my house sprayed about twice a week becasue I live by the water and the spiders are too much here. Getting my apartment sprayed twice a week got rid of the spiders good. So I have been getting my apartment sprayed like this for the past 3 years.

So I was pregnant and then I had 2 kids that were exposed to this. I was reading online the other day that this is VERY bad for pregnant women for there babies in their stomach and also for new born babies and babies that are young. It said that it can cause cancer like 7 times more than a baby that has not been exposed to pesticides. I started to worry. I am worrying for no reason.?
Health Question & Answer

Twice a week for three years is really really excessive. You could be poisioning yourself as well as your kids. At this point you can worry, but there is little point as whatever damage was done is done. However, what you could do is move away from that pond, so you don't have to keep exposing yourself and your kids to the chemicals.

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