Why is it beneficial, from an evolutionary point of view, to a virus such as HIV to kill its host?!

Question: Why is it beneficial, from an evolutionary point of view, to a virus such as HIV to kill its host.?
DS - Just the opposite is true. It is NOT beneficial, from an evolutionary point of view, for a virus to kill its host. When the host dies, the virus in the host will also die. It would be much better for the virus not to kill its host so that the virus could live and spread. The saddest and greatest strength of the HIV virus is that it can infect a person for years before that person becomes ill, and, with today's therapy, a person, if he/she can afford current triple therapy, can live about 20 more years and spread the virus to others. That is what the deadly HIV wants from an evolutionary point of survival.
Health Question & Answer

I disagree with Me & Mr. Jones. The HIV came from Africa & is now to have believed to come from monkies, it's NOT man made.

http://aids.about.com/od/newlydiagnosed/...Health Question & Answer

well its horrible, but i do believe it was a man made virus for that reason, population control. think about it, it makes sense. sad, but true!Health Question & Answer

Good answer, norton g!Health Question & Answer

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