Ok tis is realy embarrising?!

Question: Ok tis is realy embarrising.?
whats the best way of getting rid of nits. i know now someone who has had them for years cus they just wont go away! shes tried everything bless herHealth Question & Answer

That ain't embarrassing. There normal, everyone has had them.

When I was younger I always got them, I used a lot of methods

1) Put tons of conditioner and run a nit comb through your hair

2) Cooking oil, then run a nit comb through ur hair, cooking oil is good because its see through and makes your hair really greasy

3)nit lotion, to be honest I think its a load of bull

4) Dye her hair. it sounds strange but that stopped me getting them, the dye actually kills them.

5) vinegar, not sure if that works or my mum just wanted me to smell like a sandwich but she would drawn my hair in it, leave it for a while then comb my hair with a nit comb

tell her to do it over and over again because even if she thinks the nits are gone there will still be eggs

nits are born pregnant as well which sucks so tell her keep at it

good luckHealth Question & Answer

Icky thing those nits

Aside from using nit lotions and potions she also needs to wash the sheets, pillow cases etc from the beds, air the pillows, and mattress, vacuum the house out, including the couch/lounge suite. Then ensure everyone in the house is treated for nits at the same time, after 6-7 days redo the whole process of cleaning the beds, house and retreat hair again. This will hopefully break the cycle.

My friend had problems and just could not get rid of them until she stripped all the beds, washed the sheets etc, and aired the pillows, mattresses, and treated everyone, regardless of them not having any signs of nits, she then repeated the process a week later, she was so glad that the cycle was broken.

I had to tell her several times to do this, before she finally tried it, funny thing is she has not had any problems since. I also told her to ensure her daughters hair was tied back when at school, and apply a small amount of Geranium, Lavender and Tea tree essential oils, mixed with a little olive oil. Health Question & Answer

If the shampoos are not working, try mayonnaise. Cover head in it, and then put plastic wrap around your head, and leave it on for at least a half an hour. Everything has to be washed. Sheets, pillow cases, clothes, coats, jackets, head bands, and hair ties. Put any pillows, stuffed animals, anything large into garbage bags tied up tightly so no air gets in, and leave them there for several days.
There are some sprays you can get a your local stores. Spray everything, and vacuum everything.
Repeat process the next week. And again if necessary.
Health Question & Answer

Nits like clean hair so if the sprays and potions aren't working over the counter, she could try not washing her hair.? I find it difficult to understand why she's had them for 2 years and not seen a doctor, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.Health Question & Answer

I had them for ages because I kept catching them from my brothers. We kept trying lots of treatments but they were only temporary. So we went to the doctor's and they gave us a certain one, we haven't seen them since!
Unfortunately, I don't know the name. But you're better off going to the doctor's.Health Question & Answer

Go to the drug store, and buy this.
She will also need to treat her bedding, rugs, clothes, hair brushes/ combs, and furniture. If she has had them for years, they are EVERYWHERE!! She may have also infested her car seats, your clothing, hair brushes, furniture, etc. Health Question & Answer

tell her to use vinegar after washing the hair

and of course vinegar is very good to use while brush the hair with the special brush...

good luck!

i have very long hair once i had that prob vinegar helps a lot!!!!

VINEGAR! NATURAL AND STRONG!Health Question & Answer

shave there head.
or use a very strong tee-tre shampoo put a plastic bag on top of the hair and leave it for 10 Min's then wash it out and comb from then on keep the hair in a platt if its long enough.Health Question & Answer

well do this get the nits comb and after you shower comb it and you will see nits you then kill then!!

or go to the doctor and see what they will say!!Health Question & Answer

There's permetrine shampoo, cream. but it should be used every week (not daily). It's not embarrassing, nits happen even to people with very good personal hygiene Health Question & Answer

get her to try recommended treatments, shampoos, combs etc. but don't forget to wash / clean bedding, settes, chairs or any surface the head rests on in the house. Health Question & Answer

loads and loads of headlice treatment available online, just type in headlice treatment less embarrassing than going to local chemistHealth Question & Answer

Shave off the hair 100% full-proofHealth Question & Answer

shave her head. Health Question & Answer

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