Embarrassing Question/ Help?!

Question: Embarrassing Question/ Help.?
I need to know how to tell if you are constipated and how does it make you feel. I have been feeling tired lately and I think some of it is because of my sinus problems. And it makes me feel tired all the time I just need to know if I might be constipated too. I know at times it is hard for me to go to the bathroom because when I try to go and do #2 it is sometimes hard for me to push it out. I am truly sorry if this grosses people out but I need to know if it could be constipation. And if it is what is the best thing for it and what are the symptoms of it so I'll know for sure if I have it.Health Question & Answer

Yes by the sound of it - its constipation all right and here is a website that should help you to eat the right sort of foods - you need things with more fibre in them such as grainy breads and cereals, fresh and raw fruits and vegetables and don't forget to drink about 8 glasses of water each day
Because you are constipated its entirely possible that you are not getting rid of your toxins properly and this may be making you tired
Try improving your diet and see if it helps - if not then give the doctor a try to see if there are any underlying causes for your tiredness Health Question & Answer

Basically if you aren't pooping everyday, you are constipated to certain extent.

Eating fiber and drinking plenty of water is very important.

I eat bran cereal with yoghurt everyday to regulate my intestine. Pouring honey over brans make it tasty too!Health Question & Answer

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