For diabetic how has diabetics Impact your life what do you eat and still control your sugar. ?!

Question: For diabetic how has diabetics Impact your life what do you eat and still control your sugar. .?
I just found out today that l was a diabetic and l am very worried about it. not for sure when to eat how to eat and afraid that my sugar might drop to low can someone else help me out that has been through this please help me out With how you coped with and what kind of diet you are on. Thanks Health Question & Answer

Type 1 since I was 9.

You don't need the pump.

I have injections, and they're great.

One shot every 24/hrs, then another one when I eat.

You have to learn. Study about it as much as you can, and take it slow.

Life will be different at first, there's no denying that.

- You DON'T have to give up chocolate, candy, or cookies.

A little nice chocolate every now and again isn't going to do you a great harm, as long as you know what it does to your sugar levels.
Providing you're not a complete idiot, and don't stuff your face with candy al day, again, a little will not hurt.
Bake your own cookies, chocolate & mint are my fav.
Sweeteners taste just as good as sugar.

Learn your own body.

Learn how you react to certain foods.
For some reason my body doesn't like molasses. If i have anything with molasses in it, my sugar rockets far more than it should. White rice doesn't, and my body tolerates white flour very well.

-Diet soda's are great.

-Fruit juice/smoothies are BAD! So full of sugar, they'll send you off.

There's so much information. I know it's overwhelming, and i'm sorry.

Best bet, for the first month or two, keep a diary of everything you eat, and when, what meds you take and hopefully your doc will be able to give you advice on how to accommodate your diet and meds.


I've been up a mountain, heli skiing, bungee jumping.

You'll be okay. Mail me if you want, and good luck. Health Question & Answer

It depends whether you are on needles or the pump. If you can get the pump, your diet can be as normal as before because you just need to give yourself a bolus of insulin using the pump after whatever you eat. If you use shots, though, your life does change a lot. If you use slow acting insulin that you have to take before meals, you will have to know exactly what and how much you will eat before you eat it. If you use fast acting insulin like humalog, you will have to give yourself a needle after your meal and can have a bit more of independence on what you eat, but you still can't eat anything anytime you want with needles. I'd suggest to talk to your doctor about getting a pump, it makes life being a diabetic WAY easier. Believe me, diabetes is hard to live with at first, but it is livable through. Just be careful and try to notice any signs of you being low. As time goes on, when your blood sugar gets low you might be able to tell before you take a blood test, but do not do any action until taking your blood sugar unless you won't be able to for a while. Good luck with your diabetes! If you wish to contact me, email me at: Eldaesar@yahoo.comHealth Question & Answer

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