(I accidentally deleted the one before) Help?!

Question: (I accidentally deleted the one before) Help.?

I have kinda bad coordination, balance, and memory. I miss things when I'm reaching out for them. One time I was at the store with my friend and we were walking home and I had bought pringles, and I was gonna put them in the bag, but when I tried to, I must have gotten something wrong, cause the pringles didn't land in the bag, they landed on the ground instead. And when I was folding clothes with my sister, I kept trying to grab things, but I couldn't quite get them, I'd end up grabbing the air really close to them, but not grabbing them. Or I'd barely grab them and not be able to pick them up cause they'd slip out of my hand. And I have a kind of loose grip on things, I can make it tighter, but it doesn't feel natural to have a tighter grip. I was holding my mp3player and it just slipped right out of my hand. That happened twice, once with my old mp3player and once with my new one. I forget any examples of bad balance. Sometimes one of my knees will give out for a few seconds and it makes me almost fall. I faint more than I think I should, it doesn't last long, only a few seconds, but I faint for no reason. This year I've fainted at least five times for no reason. And a lot, I get kind of light headed and my vision gets blurry like I'm going to faint, but don't faint. And when I write, I end up scratching out what I write because I wrote the wrong thing, and sometimes, I don't finish the letters or numbers in what I'm writing. The other day I was writing the number 49, and I didn't finish the 4, I thought I did but when I looked over it, I didn't. And when I write in my journal, every entry has at least one thing scratched out or marked over because I put the wrong thing. And I feel out of place, like only half of me is here, I don't know whats up with that or whatever. Either it doesn't happen a lot anymore or I got so used to it that I can't tell anymore. And I also would feel homesick for no reason, even though I have never lived at any other home than the one I live in now and I still live at home. And a lot, I have a hard time remembering things, like I can't get my mind to focus on it or something. Or sometimes I just can't remember at all. Sometimes I word my sentences wierdly when I'm talking, like one time I was gonna say "call me on my cell phone" but instead I said "call me cell phone" by accident. I don't know if thats normal for me or whatever, cause I don't remember if I ever did that when I was younger. And acording to other people, I barely move my lips when I'm talking and I barely pick my feet up off the ground when I'm walking. It doesn't really have any affect on the way I talk and walk, except I trip over cracks in the sidewalk more often then most people, not tiny cracks, but not huge ones either, and I sometimes talk like I'm drunk. But I can't tell when I'm doing that. I get random pains in my arms, usually my left one. Like the inside of it hurting, its not that bad but its enough to make me say ow. I used to feel depressed a lot, like every night when I would go outside. I'd stare up at the sky and feel that I wasn't completely here. And a lot, when I felt depressed I would always ask who I am, cause it kind of felt like I was someone else. Recently, I couldn't eat certain food around certain people at certain times of the day, but that went away, I don't know what was up with that. I forget to breath a lot, or sometimes. I'll just suddenly stop breathing for like 2 or 3 seconds, then remember to breath again. Or sometimes, when I-never mind, I forgot what I was going to say. That happens a lot, I spent a few minutes trying to remember, but it had something to do with forgetting to breath I think. One time, I'm pretty sure it was just me being stupid or whatever, but one time I was at the store waiting in line and I had my feet close together and my legs were really close together, cause when I'm standing up straight thats how I stand a lot, and when I tried to move it was like my knees had magnets in them or were glued to each other, and kinda like my feet were half way glued to the floor. This kind of stuff has been happening since I was 13 and gotten a little worse since then. But for a while, like a couple months or so, it was gone, except I don't think the depression left. I'd rather not go to a doctor of any type, but I know I might have to. I just hate asking my mom things that consern my health, its difficult to get the right words when I'm talking to describe what I mean and what's happening, so when I talk to my mom about it I get confused and give up, and if I don't she kinda gives me this look that I can't think of how to describe.

I'm only 14, so I doubt this means anything, but I want to be sure. Does any of it mean anything.?Health Question & Answer

Sure, it means you need to take a copy of what you wrote to someone who can find out the reason behind it all; your family doctor. Then have him refer you to an "internist." They will run tests to determine if you have the beginnings of a neurological disease or disorder. Only they can pin point out to you what is going on, not some people who are reading emails.
Could be M.S./ Muscular Dystrophy.Health Question & Answer

Sounds like a neurological disorder, MS or similar.?Health Question & Answer

Maybe you have a sensoratory issue. If you cant feel things when you hold them etc. You SHOULD tell your mother and she doenst have to understand but she SHOUL D take you to a doctor. Maybe a neurologist might help you. You shouldnt have to go through your teens wondering whats wrong with youHealth Question & Answer

I don't care how old you are, it means something. It could be heart related (pain, loss of balance, forgetfulness...) It could be as simple as an inner ear problem. And, don't freak out, but you could have clinical depression. No matter what it is, you first need to see your doctor and then if needed, go on to a specialist. Your DR. will refer you if you need one. Your mom is probably giving you that look because she doesn't know what to think. Just as her to take you to the doctor. Health Question & Answer

go see the dr about it.

if you give up on telling your mom try writing it down on a piece of paper..

hope i helped
goodl luck
godblessyou <3
xxHealth Question & Answer

It sounds like you have a developmental disorder, not a bad thing, as it can be managed with therapy. The vision issues you are having deal with hand eye coordination, the disorder could also be affecting your speech and your coordination in general. I would see a doctor. Your school should also have a speach therapist and a physical therapist on site who can evaluate the issues you are having and can set up an IEP for you to use throughout your schooling. I am not a doctor though and strongly suggest you see one. The pains are probably growing pains and nothing to be worried about. Health Question & Answer

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