I have been coughing for eighteen years, can any one out there give some advice?!

Question: I have been coughing for eighteen years, can any one out there give some advice.?
I have been to I don't know how many Doctors during the eighteen years. They all say it is allergies. Well I just don't understand why none of them have suggested tests for allergies. I have a chest x-ray once a year and the tests always comes back that my lungs are clear. I cough mostly in the mornings, but I also have a fit or two during the day. I also don't cough when I am out in the street, only in my car and in my home. I keep a very clean house, almost dust free. I wonder if some of the cleaners could be doing this. I have a small dog, and I also have had a cat for fifteen years of the eighteen years. Our cat died three years ago and I thought that I would get over the cough, but I didn't. Is there anyone out there that has this problem. I also notice that I am starting to cough right after I eat. I can't laugh no more like I used to cause I will start coughing Thank you very much for anyone that can help meHealth Question & Answer

This honest-to-goodness sounds like asthma, I could be wrong, but it sounds exactly like my asthma symptoms. I started having "coughing fits" after eating some fresh fruits and then it started whenever I laughed really hard. I went to the doctor and was stunned when he said it was asthma, to me asthma was where you clutched your chest and wheezed while gasping for air.....but that's a common misconception.

It sounds like you need to find a good asthma and/or allergy specialist in your area. A doctor specializing in allergies would be able to test you for many common allergies.

My asthma is worse at night and occasionally in the morning, particularly if I get extremely hot at night. Cold air, laughing, and becoming emotionally upset can all trigger asthma attacks. I have to poke my husband if he gets me too wound up and gives me a laughing fit!!

And like you, I don't cough when I'm outside unless something triggers it (I work next to a quarry and if the dust and particulate is bad it affects my asthma). With asthma, you'll probably continue to have clear chest x-rays unless you're in the middle of a severe asthma attack. My best advice is to find an allergy/asthma specialist in your area, I found one locally and she has been a God-send for me!!! She understands me completely!Health Question & Answer

I had a cronic cough but it was caused by lung disease. At one time I was coughing because it was a habit. I am not a doctor so I can only make a suggestion that you can try and it might help. Take 3 deep slow breaths. Try to relax as you do this. If your cough is caused by mucus that will bring some to the back of your throat and you can either swallow or spit it out. There are so many things that could cause your cough. Do you smoke.? Are you around someone who does.? Ask your doctor for help again and let him know you are serious. Do some rescearch and ask your doctor some specific questions. Good luck and do go back to your doctor.Health Question & Answer

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