What is the eating disorder ?!

Question: What is the eating disorder .?
what is eating disorder and what it can cause and how to avoid it
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an eating disorder is a serious mental illness. there are many different types of eating disorders and women and men of all shapes and sizes can be suffering from one. bulimia is when someone binges on a lrage amount of food and then induces vomiting to get rid of the cosumed calories. anorexia is when the person restricts from food (they eat a little, but way too little for the body to work properly). both illnesses and extremely hard to get over and affect EVERY aspect of one's life. they are extremely dangerous and can cause death, and have in many cases. they are caused by many things.. like depression, anxiety, perfectionistic attitudes, trauma, a response to our society's obsession with being thin, family issues, and many other things. it is different for everyone.
the best way to stay away from developing an eating disorder is to take care of yourself and learn to love yourself and be secure in who you are. don't hold in emotions; express them naturally, put your needs before others, and DON'T diet. it is proven that dieting leads to obesity.. your best bet is to eat a normal amount of food for your body (based on how fast your metabolic rate is) and allow your body to reach its natural set point weight. it will not go above that weight if your diet is regular.
Health Question & Answer

there are different types of eating dissorders, but they all involve unusual and unhealthy eating patterns.

anorexia..is when the person bareley eats anything to the point of starving themselves.

bullemia...is when the person has eating splurges, that is when they eat heaps in a small amount of time, then feel guilty about it and vomit it up. they may also use laxatives.

bullemia can rot the teeth, due to the acid in the vomit. Anorexia can make bones weak due to not enough vitamins. Both can lead to death.

there is no way to prevent getting an eating dissorder, except to always eat well, be positive about yourself and have a good body image. If you think you may be getting one, seek helpHealth Question & Answer

What is A eating disorder.?

It's a disease, you can't just get one, so you're fine.Health Question & Answer

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