What is the chance of him passing away?!

Question: What is the chance of him passing away.?
My dad (50 years old) is getting hip surgery two weeks from monday
im scared
how much of a chance is there of him durviving.?
i dont know the details
Health Question & Answer

well dear,
honestly without knowing anything else we can't answer this one it isn't our place and two we don't know many many people in there 80's have been through hip surgery and replacements so I wouldn't honestly worry I mean there is people who are in a comma for 10 years and amazingly come out. Everything is a medicaL MIRACLE anymore. I have faith your father will be fine. =) best of luck sweetheart.

PS i know its your dad but try not to stress yourself out to bad and if you start getting stressed remember how many times your dad stressed when you were growing up for reasons that turned out to be fine =) Hope I helped.Health Question & Answer

Hip surgeries are very common. People who are MUCH older and much weaker than your father get these surgeries every day, and they wake up just fine.

Unless you live in a 3rd world country, or there is a complication during the surgery (very rare, the doctors keep a very close eye on the patient's heart rate), your dad should be completely fine.Health Question & Answer

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