I have a cold sore and did not know that i could spred it to my 2 year old son.Is he going to have cold sores?!

Question: I have a cold sore and did not know that i could spred it to my 2 year old son.Is he going to have cold sores.?
I have had only a couple cold sores in my life, this may be my second or third in ten years. It is much worse than before, and i didn't really know anything about them. I thought that they were just a result of a cold or fever and a way that your body reacted to it. I was getting irritated with it b/c its been phasing for a week today so i looked online to find a remedy and found all of this other information. i had no idea that it was caused by the herpes virus and so many people have it and don't have outbreaks and can get it so easily and pass it on. Once i read this stuff i wasn't so concerned for myself, but i give my 2 year old son a kiss before dropping him off every day and when he goes to bed. I haven't kissed him with the blister, but before when i could feel it coming and my lips were red and itchy. i feel awful i know that there is a chance that he could've contracted the virus from me now. is he at his age going to begin to outbreak or is there even a way to know if he has it now.?
on another note i did a few days ago give my husband oral. i know that there is also a possibility that i spred it to him, we have not had intercourse since then, but what should i do.? should i protect myself.? is that selfish to try to prevent him from spredding from his genitals to mine since i probably started it.?
this is embarrising and i have never been unfaithful to my husband, i realize that i could very well have had this from a very early age and from an innocent cause, but now i'm afraid i have subjected my whole family to it. i have a one year old son who is teething and i always wash my hands before rubbing ora gel on his gums, but what if some of the virus was still on my fingers and i spred it to him, too.?
HELP i'm so mad at myself for not knowing more about this.Health Question & Answer

Oh I wish you didn't feel so bad. My mom went through the same thing, and thats how I got my oral herpes. Luckily I only had one outbreak once when I was 9. I am now 27.Health Question & Answer

Truthfully you need to see a doctor and explain all of this to them. There are treatments that suppress the virus. It can never be "cured" only maintained. IF you wash your hands very well the chances of spreading it to your baby it low. NEVER kiss any one while the sore is active.

Please I advise you to seek medical care. Health Question & Answer

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