Rinsing with salt water after apicoectomy?!

Question: Rinsing with salt water after apicoectomy.?
I had a apicoectomy two weeks ago (reverse root canal where they open up your gums, remove the bacteria, and stitch it up).. when the dentist removed the stitches there was still a little hole, so he told me to rinse with warm salt water and not eat on that side.. which i did.. two weeks after my procedure i had a checkup (on friday).. the dentist told me it's still not 100%healed and keep rinsing with warm salt water.. I can still feel a little bubble (like it's a little swollen still).. it's been two weeks and 3days since my procedure.. has anyone ever had this problem so long after surgery.? and how long should i keep rinsing with warm salt water.? (i'm going to europe in 3days and won't be seeing my doc to ask when it's okay cuz he wont be seeing me)..should i keep doing it unless the swelling goes down.?Health Question & Answer

I would keep rinsing with the salt water until the tissue is back to normal.. The salt water will help keep the tissue clean while it heals.. Try to do it several times a day if you can and make sure you don't use any other rinses such as peroxide or regular mouthwash because they can actually dry out the tissue and slpw healingHealth Question & Answer

Rinse untill it is gone, you want to keep it clean or it may take longer to heal..Health Question & Answer

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