Could you tell about getting/having braces?!

Question: Could you tell about getting/having braces.?
I'm about to get them in a month or so and I would like to know any tips/advice on getting/having them.. Any recommended sites would also be appreciated too..

Thank you ahead of time! :)Health Question & Answer

Hi - while I've only had temporary braces (they were on less then six weeks after a sledding accident: all I'm going to say is the tree won, but it was a GREAT ride lol) - I originally went to this site when I first found out I needed them.. While it says "adult braces" it's basically the same idea, child teen or adult..

Good Luck!" rel="nofollow">

there is also this one which seemed pretty decent" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

i have them on for my second time, ughhh what a drag.. anyway, take motrin before you go to get them on, because you're teeth will hurt after.. you won't want to bite into anything, so have soft food such as yogurt and ice cream ready.. that numbing pain feeling lasts for a week.. your orthodontist will tell you how to floss with your braces on, and he will prob.. supply with you with the materials.. also, if you put wax on the brace, say if a wire is sticking out, it helps.. basically it works as a band aid, it sticks on and covers the wire or whatever from hurting your mouth.. the orthodontist will tell you not to eat popcorn and soft chewy candy and gum.. but most gum is okay, avoid the really sticky kind.. i would also stay away from popcorn if you can.. but most candy is fine.. also, once you get them off, wear your retainer!!!!! if you don't, your teeth might move, and then they could get so bad that the retainer can no longer fix it, and the only solution would be to get back on your braces, basically story of my life, ha.. good luck with them!!Health Question & Answer

The first 5 days after each routine tightening will be extremely painful.. Your teeth will ache so much that you can't eat anything harder than a PB&J sandwich.. Remember to take Advil before each meal (so that you can eat) and before you sleep (so that you won't go to bed in pain).. Wax can help when the braces start scratching the flesh in your mouth.. It gets MUCH better after your teeth start moving and the pain finally disappears.. It won't be that bad, but in the end, the beautiful smile's worth it :)Health Question & Answer

basically the first month or so they hurt your mouth is sore and your miserable then when u go to get them tighted which is basically getting new colors the first couple of times will hurt after that you basically become a pro

all i can suggest is i know it hurts to brush the first couple of days but make sure you brush good cuase they stain your teeth dont eat solid foods the first 2 nights or so take advil before bed!!! and before u go on with your day..

they really dont hurt while u get them on what hurts the most is the little bands they put around the medal and u can pick the color and when u get them changed once a month like i said it hurts the first couple times

other wise that when u get them off it dosnt hurt like everyone says it feel kinda cool,

oh one more thing when they put the thing in your molars that hold everything together they make you bite down on this thing kinda where your spacers are, and that hurts alittle..

but like i said after a month or so it will be a brezze i had everything palet expander night brace bite plate any question dont be scared to ask!Health Question & Answer

On the day you get braces, make you sure you eat something BEFORE you get them on, because you WILL NOT feel like eating anything right after you get them on..

also, take a few advil/tylenol/motrin before you get them on.. That way, it doesn't hurt as much once they're actually on..

Once they are on, make sure you brush twice a day (if you don't already) because it's really easy to get cavaties with braces..

also, avoid anything sticky, like gum, and DO NOT try to eat corn on the cob!!! BAD IDEA!!!

Other than that, just be careful.. They're not that bad if you take care of them.. Before you know it, they'll be gone..Health Question & Answer

i have braces, and all i can say is, good luck! i dont know if your teeth are senstive or not, but i thaught i had a really tough teeth, but once i got braces, they hurt like hell! they will look funny at first because all the braces wont be lined up, but just wait a few dyas, and everything will look fine, you dont need to use everything they give, i dont and either did my friend and she turned out fine, but it is realllllllllly important you brush your teeth morning and night.. or else, yout teeth will be white on the spot where the cement is, and all the rest will be yellowish..those were my own made up rules, but here is a few i found on the internet that helped me alot!!" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

I don't think braces are that bad
Before you go take and Advil
When you get them the just hurt for the 1st week
Then you go like every 6 weeks to get them tighten then they hurt for just a day
Brush a lot
Get floss threaders [makes it easy to floss]
Watch what you eat
If you break something you get behind schedule and you might have to keep you braces on longer
When your in pain just remember how there going to look after wards
Avoid hard candy and gum
The orthodontist usually gives you a list of food to avoid
Don't let ppl make fun of you
One time this ugly chic called me brace face and then i said "at least im bettering myself"
Braces aren't that badHealth Question & Answer

they might pull a couple of teeth out so your teeth have space to move.. I got around 4 of them pulled out which hurt a lot.. Not everyone that has braces had teeth pulled out but i just happened to have my teeth pulled out.. Every month or so they'll make you go back there and they tighten the wires which can be very painful for the first few days.. After you get them tightened you should eat soft food and try not to bight with your front teeth.. I hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

Well, I guess.... I can start off by saying, is that when you get them tightened, it hurts like a *****! And when they scrape cement off so you can get your brackets off, it hurts even worse!! So good luck and have fun and i cant really give you tips or advice, except wear your rubber bands at the end and take care of them.. Just try not to break your brackets.. And your orthodontist will love u..Health Question & Answer

OK.. Before you get them take some pain medication.. They will hurt a little for the next few days.. If a wire is poking at the back, then make an appointment to get it cut.. You have to brush and floss well because your teeth will look horrible (with white blotches around them) if you don't.. Its OK to eat sugar free gum, but don't eat what your not supposed to too often.. I do eat what they say not to sometimes, gummies and that sort of chewiness is fine.. But those really chewy caramels, that's a big no no.. They take a long time to get out.. Popcorn is OK, as long as its not too often, just brush and floss really well after.. Make sure you have an appointment every month or so, to get them changed, checked up on, and clipped.. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to cal your orthodontist..
For colors, dont choose clear.. And thing with lots of color (ex.. mustard) will stain and look horrible.. Don't be afraid to choose bright colors, because I've noticed they don't stain as much.. If i were you, i wouldn't choose white either.. I have white braces now, and they still stain a bit..

Good luck! They are totally worth it!!Health Question & Answer

I have braces right now and ive had them for about 2 years..
im goin to get them off soon and im soo happy!

but anyway your orthadonist should tell you all about things like keeping braces clean and stuff an maybe give you a packet or something with little rules..

they usualy say dont eat popcorn but i eat it anyway bc it doesnt really do anything to ur braces except sometimes get stuck...... but they always come out..

but here are some tips..
brush alot and carefully bc its harder to keep teeth white with braces.. most people use whitener once they get off..

dont bite down on hard candy....the bracket comes off usualy......

use wax when you first get them on bc its really sore especailly on your cheeks..

and my final tip........
Wear rubber bands once they give em to you....
everyone doesnt have to wear them but most people do like after a year..
i was supposed to get my braces of like 5 months ago but i couldnt bc i never wore my rubber bands.. =[

ok good luck with braces i hope i helped..


dont let people scare you about how much they hurt..
its not bad at all and at the most it will be a little sore for less then a week when you first get them on..
so eat soft food..Health Question & Answer

I had braces for 2 years.. Its not too bad.. Just brush regularly.. They say not to chew gum and stuff, but honestly you can.. Floss your teeth every once in while like once a week at least becasue it's heck flossing.. Don't eat things that will obviously stick to your braces.. At walmart they have like dentist picks and I used them to clean around the bracets.. Pain wasn't too bad for me.. If it does get entense take some tylenol.. Remeber to brush though.. When you get you braces off you dont want your teeth to look yellow.. Good luck.. :)Health Question & Answer

you may come emotionally attatched to them
i did and i miss them..
i got mine off in march..
but make sure you keep them clean..
and make sure to carry a mirror around to check for food getting stuck..
also if you get a cankersore or a cut from the braces make sure you put wax on the braces..
also wear chapstick!

ps good luck and have fun with the braces!!Health Question & Answer

Well.... Braces really aren't that bad...... You get used to them very quick and it just painful to eat for a little bit.. Be realistic about what you eat or drink.. Often the orthodondists are very overeactive of what you should eat or drink.. Be careful with them and make sure you tell people when you break a brace..Health Question & Answer

they hurt me the whole first week i had them.. there is nothing you can do.. we all have to go through it.. but it stops hurting after awhile.. i used to forget i had them..

but if it gets too bad gargle salt water..

it helped me some..

and i had my braces on for almost 4 years..

trust me, you'll do fine.. :)Health Question & Answer

it really isn't too bad.. It takes a few weeks to get used to but after that you can barely tell they are in..

It only hurts when you have to go to checkups and have them tighten them, but it isn't bad..

I also had to get the herbs appliance put in, that was worse than braces, lol..

Don't sweat itHealth Question & Answer

They suck at first and its hard to keep your teeth clean.. Getting them off is even weirder..
I dunno.. You'll get used to them take a children's advil after you leave the dentinst every time you get the wires adjusted.. lol Its painful for a day afterHealth Question & Answer

Buy yourself a water pick, it is the only way to keep them completely clean......and please keep them clean, a lot of people have cheese in their braces..Health Question & Answer

Keep them clean, no hard candy, floss, etc.. Those are the basic things your ortho will tell you.. The most painful part about the process to me is the SPACERS!!! Omg, that killed me!!! lolHealth Question & Answer

You will be sore the first week.. Keep them clean so your gums wont swell.. Floss or use a waterpick.. Get lots a wax because it will cut your lips until you are used to it.. ??Health Question & Answer

I have braces

Get lots of wax

Watch what you eat

And have lots of advil..Health Question & Answer

keep them clean.. don't eat hard candy.. get them tightened during schedule appts..Health Question & Answer

they hurt.. you probably wont be able to eat at first cause of the pain..
like me..Health Question & Answer

ok first off they are a pain in the ***
dont eat what the ortho ppl tell you not toHealth Question & Answer

Get a water pick..........its wayyy better and faster to floss!Health Question & Answer

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