I just discovered a hairline crack in my front tooth HELP?!

Question: I just discovered a hairline crack in my front tooth HELP.?
I am really upset about this...... I'm 20 years old and today when I was driving, I put down the mirror and looked at my teeth and the light from the sun illuminated the crack in my tooth.. It appears to go from the top to the bottom..

My teeth are very slightly crooked, I have a nice smile, never had a cavity in my life and I brush twice a day and floss at night.. This is really upsetting me and I've been scared to bite anything with it and when I drink I've been avoiding touching it with my teeth..

I am going to set up a dentist appointment but can anyone tell me if this can be fixed.? I am literally very upset and I am crying as I type this.. Right now I can't see it unless I look at it in bright light or if I look at it very closely in the mirror but I can't get it off my mind.. Will it get worse and discolor inside the crack.? What could have caused this.? Will my tooth eventually try to split apart.? The crack is down the middle.. Is there anything to repair this.?.?.?.? Thank you in advance..Health Question & Answer

Oh, honey don't fret, I know it's hard to not to, though.. I also have a hairline crack on my front tooth, caused recently by wacking it up against a metal rod...?!!.? I know.. Anyway ,Dentistry has come a long way in the last decade even.. If you have a great dentist , they will x-ray, shine a blue light through your tooth from the back to determine the dept of the crack etc.... They will keep a close eye on you in the future.. Just make sure that you keep your 6months app.. on a regular basis , and you'll be fine.. My dentist recommended for me, anyway, was not to tamper with it , just keep an eye on it..
Growing up, i used to have nitemares about my teeth falling out, most of the time , in public.. I do feel for you- also watch the hard candy-like candy apples, maybe even corn on the cob etc......Health Question & Answer

What you see may be a surface scratch rather than a crack in the tooth.. Till you see your dentist try not to chew with that tooth.. IF any part of the tooth should come out, save it and take it to the dentist.. Many general dentists can do excellent cosmetic tooth repair with some new rapidly hardening surface enamels and glue.. I have personally been benefited by such good repair.. Hang in there and good luck with the dentist..Health Question & Answer

I have some of these in my teeth too.. Does your tooth hurt.? If not, I wouldn't be too concerned.. But the dentist can fix alot of problems.. I have broken several teeth recently........he told me that as you age your teeth become brittle.. He has fixed the breaks, and it was painless.. Don't worry, we have great technology today..Health Question & Answer

yes actually they can help you! well i had a little accident at school at and crack half or my tooth but i went to the dentist they fixed it but they put like a fake tooth over it and you would never know it was fake till now but u might need bracesHealth Question & Answer

dentist work miracles with your teeth these days.. they can fix most any dental/cosmetic dental problem, just be sure not too wait too long to see the dentist..Health Question & Answer

lumineares they will fix the crooked ones and they keep structureHealth Question & Answer

Ah, lucky you.. I never thought I was going to get a cavity, but since we moved to another state, and a few problems, I didn't see the dentist for 2 years and had 2 cavities........

Just go and see the dentist.. Obviously noone else can solve problems about teeth.. =]

If my dentist can fix my mom's chipped teeth, then a dentist can fix the crack in your front tooth.. I wasn't trying to mean at my mom, it's just, well, it CAN be fixed.. Do not worry.. =]Health Question & Answer

hairline fractures are actually pretty common in front teeth.. I have several vertical cracks in mine that you can see when they are dry and the light hits them just right..
Usually it is nothing to worry about.. Your tooth wont split.. It is usually caused by your front teeth banging together, or trauma.. If the look of it is noticable you can get veneers but they do have to frind a bit of your teeth so it is better to just have your natural tooth structure,Health Question & Answer

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