Getting my wisdom teeth pulled out.?!

Question: Getting my wisdom teeth pulled out...?
I have to go to a dentist-surgeon person to get my wisdom teeth pulled out.. They are not growing in crooked, they are growing in perfectly straight actually, but I have a small mouth and they say when they grow in completely it will mess up my teeth.. I only have one wisdom tooth that is partially coming out..

My question is, how will the pull out teeth that haven't come out.? Can I ask them to put me to sleep completely instead of just giving me shots in my gums to numb it.? Cause I'd rather not be awake when it happens..

By the way, even though they haven't grown in yet I know their coming straight cause the dentist did x-rays and told me..Health Question & Answer

Rest easy......if you are having them extracted by an Oral Surgeon you will have the option of being put to sleep (which I recommend).. Not that it's's just easier......less stress..

If your local Dentist is taking them may only have selective options such as being numbed and given "laughing gas" (Nitrous-Oxide)......which will relax you.. (Which is also good)

And to answer the dreaded question:
~They will cut the gum and extract the teeth that have not fully erupted.. You'll be fine........I promise.. Follow all smoking......plenty of liquids..

Wisdom teeth are very hard to keep clean, for YOU and your Hygienist......and even harder to put a filling in......if a cavity develops.. Usually, they are the first place Hygienist detect "deeper" pocketing ........which leads to a bacterial infection under the gums......called Periodontal disease.. If left untreated......this can lead bone loss and eventually cause you to lose your teeth.. If you are only about 17......this is too much information......just get them removed if advised by your dentist..

Goodluck! Best Wishes! Happy Healing!
You'll be up and at'em in a day at the most two!Health Question & Answer

its dental surgery so they cut the gums and remove the molars.. yes you can ask for anesthesia but you really don't need it, ask for laughing gas instead - they rather not put you under if they can avoid it.. good luckHealth Question & Answer

Why have them pulled.? If they are not bothering you, another is coming in.. I would not have them pulled.. God put them there for some reason....My husband is 79 years old and
still has them..Health Question & Answer

Hi.. If you are going to a surgeon, they will put you to sleep, probably with a mask.. If you see a needle, you can always ask what your options are, or call before your appointment and let them know what you want..

The nurse will have you count to 10 and before you get to 10, you will be completely out..

They extract your teeth by making an incision in your gums.. When you wake up you will look like a chipmunk and your jaw will hurt..

The healing process is bothersome, and depending on your tolerance level for pain, it can hurt.. You will bleed and will be on a liquid diet for a few days.. I recommend you follow it because if you get a food particle in one of the incisions, you will get an infection.. If that happens, the doc will have to open the incision and administer meds.. THAT hurts! Trust me..

Having your wisdom teeth pulled is not a good experience.. You will definetely be out for the next day, maybe more.. The hardest part is the liquid diet.. You will want a cheeseburger when it's all over..Health Question & Answer

If you have a small mouth allowing the teeth to come in will cause all the rest of your teeth to shift to accommodate them.. It is a good idea to get them taken out, but it is not necessary to have them all done at once..

You can have them done as they erupt (it may be years from the first to the last) which would mean 4 extractions.. If they are straight it should be simple enough for your dentist to just pull them with a needle to numb the jaw..

To have them knock you out just to have it done as one procedure is maybe financially a better option, but physically is harder on your body.. To be put under general anesthesia more than is absolutely necessary is never a good idea.. Talk to your dentist about all of the options..

Some dentists just don't want to do extractions of molars and will recommend all four out at once, so if that is his/her outlook, maybe ask for a referral to someone who is willing to look at other options..

By the way the designation DDS stands for Doctor of Dental Surgery, if your dentist is referring you to someone else for the surgery, I would question why.. It could be as simple as they are not set up to do that type of surgery, but then why didn't they suggest some other option first.?Health Question & Answer

If your wisdom teeth have not surfaced, or have not surfaced very much there will be surgery, meaning they're going to cut your gum open and then sue it shut..

As for anesthetic, local anesthesia will numb your mouth, general anesthesia should numb your body entirely, so yeah, you can ask your doctor to put you to sleep, but it really isn't all that bad to go with the local anesthesia, just close your eyes if you can't handle it, and keep still.. I actually enjoyed going through the surgery, as creepy as that might sound..

Anyway, it shouldn't be that bad, the only thing you might have to worry about is a bit of discomfort for the next day or two and bleeding, which you should receive some ibuprofen and gauze to get you by..Health Question & Answer

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