I'm getting braces tomorrow... Afew questions!!??!

Question: I'm getting braces tomorrow...... Afew questions!!.?.?
Well tomorrow is the big day lol and if you had braces I would appreciate it if you answer these questions =]

How long until your teeth really start to hurt.?

Do they let you choose what color rubber bands you want.?

Did the braces make your teeth look smaller or larger.?

And what are good color combinations.?

thank ya =)Health Question & Answer


I have braces, so i'll give you some info......

Take an ibuprofen or two about 10mins before you go to get them on, it will hurt about 2hours after you get them on, and keep painkillers by your bed, they hurt like hell in the morning..

Yes you can choose the colour rubber bands, well, you can here in England, and i assume you can in America (if you live there, I assumed you did, because you spelled colour 'color') because they keep the wire in place, these are the colours you SHOULDN'T choose:

White - they discolour and make your teeth go yellow

Green - Looks like spinach stuck in teeth

Yellow - Looks like food and makes teeth look yellow

Black - Looks like you have tooth decay

My teeth looked smaller, especially with the coloured bands on, I got bright pink and baby pink bands, they are colourful yet they make your teeth look smaller..

Some good colour combinations are:

baby pink and bright pink - (like mine!!!)

pink and purple

navy and red - (makes teeth look whiter)

blue and purple

orange and pale blue

Make sure you clean your teeth properly, and with the provided brush, or your teeth can be discoloured around bracket, with a square in middle of whatever colour your teeth were before.. If your braces dig in, get a SMALL amount of the wax or silicone, then dry the bracket as much as possible, then adhere it without it sticking to your fingers.. also......

DO NOT EAT......

Gum (yes I KNOW it is hard)


Gummy sweets e..g.. wine gums, gummy bears

Jelly (Do you call a particular brand Jello or something.?)


(Basically anything sticky that will wrap around the bracket, or pull off the wire, and if you especially don't clean properly, tooth decay, and extractions, you WILL get a rollicking from your dentist AND orthodontist.. Trust me, it isn't worth it! They WILL tell you this!)

DON'T smoke, okay, I know it sounds silly, but they are bad for you anyway, it is a HORRID habit, and they WILL rot and discolour the teeth, braces and bands.. Just don't do it, okay.?

If they give you a special mouthwash that may be like a bright pink colour, make sure you dilute it first if it says to, this stuff is toxic if you don't..

Wish you well!!!Health Question & Answer

My teeth really started to hurt a few hours to next day after, it was like my teeth were like.. "Omg, there's something on there.." It will hurt to eat like most solid foods, but you'll get used to it, take some advil before your app.. The braces will actually probably cut up your lips because you aren't used to them, but again, this hosuld only last a bit..

Yes, you can choose your colored bands you want on your brackets..

I think they made my teeth look the same, or smaller, they don't make much of a difference..

I like anything with white, pink and white, l ime green and white.. I also like yellow and a light green, pink and green, basically anything you think would look good..Health Question & Answer

well i don't have braces cuz i have a really straight bite but my older sister does.. but i still know A LOT about it from my sister.. okay, for your first question: half an hour
second question: Of course! thats the only part about braces i wish i had them! lol
third question: and NO my sisters teeth and my other friends teeth look perfectly normal! and that's coming from another persons point of veiw without braces..
fourth question: oh i was thinking like, the upper teeth light blue or torquise, and bottom teeth, white.. or i liked ALL white (but you probably wouldn't) or make the colors you like on upper half and bottom half but use more than one color like 2 and make them alligned from top to bottom with the matching colors.. lol (hope this wasn't confusing! so u might want to read it over!) good luck with your braces! :)Health Question & Answer

well your teeth shouldn't hurt when they put them on and when they do start to hurt is like about 30 min.. after your get them on because they start to tighten them ouch!

most places let u choose your colors like i am getting mine off early this summer so i have been through it all so message me if your have any questions XxspazXxbabiiXx

braces usually make your teeth look smaller like my aunt told me when my braces come off i will have horse teeth since she is not used to seeing me without braces..

and some good combinations are like i have had to wear chain rubber bands for a really long time so i havent really been able to mix and match but i heard that pink and black look good and if u get the chains sometimes u should get light colors like right now i am wearing light pink last time i wore light baby blue so it just depends on what u like and what will look good on you!

hope that helped =DHealth Question & Answer

Mine starting hurting late into the night/ next morning.. It lasted about a month, I got bottom and top on at the same time..


I thought it made mine look a little smaller which is bad because my teeth are small in the first place :)

I got navy blue, grey and clear alot.. They go with everything and aren't too bold to make it look all cheesy like orange and green.. I wouln'd do alternating colors, it looks funny.. Get one on the top and one color on the bottom..Health Question & Answer

A.. well, to tell you the truth mine hurted right away, but it stops hurting 1 or 2 days later (procure not to eat hard things or chew hard)

B.. of course

C.. mmm......I don`t know.. Maybe a little larger..

D.. I allways choose gray bands, because it doen`t show up that much..
also one time I chose bands that glitter in the dark (it was so funny!!)Health Question & Answer

congrats but not really they start to hurt late at night..
u don't get colors now well u can but it depends which u need there r 2 types ones with trap doors no colors and ones with the colors and if the orthadontist lets u get the ones with the colors of course they let u pick u
braces make ur teeth look smaller
green and pink, perwiwinkle with purple, there are lots of them choose whatHealth Question & Answer

your teeth hurt right away ://
yes they let you choose the color of ruber bands
they make them look the same but a little smaller
green-yellow and more
hope this jelps =DHealth Question & Answer

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