Wisdom teeth removed tomorrow?!

Question: Wisdom teeth removed tomorrow.?
Tommorow at 11:45am I am getting my two lower wisdom teeth removed..

No one in my family has went under for the surgery, they all did novacain..

Before surgery, what is the prep like.? Weighed, blood pressure, heart monitor, etc...?

What's it like after surgery.?

TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW!Health Question & Answer

Before I had my wisdom teeth removed (they took all four out), I don't believe they did any major preparation, honestly, they just tell you everything that they're going to do and then they give you the "laughing gas.." I actually found it rather peaceful--it's kind've disorienting because you're awake one minute and then the next minute you're in the recovery room.. For me, the first day was the worst but that was also because I'm allergic to vicodin and I didn't find that out until I took it, naturally.. After the first day, recovery went fine.. Just gotta get used to eating apple sauce and liquids for a bit.. and eating verry slowly..Health Question & Answer

If you're having surgery and anesthesia, you cannot eat or drink ANYTHING after midnight prior to the surgery..
When you arrive, they will most likely discuss the treatment to confirm it with you.. Then they might take your blood pressure.. They should have already asked your weight--they need to know your weight for the anesthesia, so don't lie LOL.. They should have said no earrings or jewelry, no dark nail polish, tie your hair back and wear short sleeves.. Wear flat, comfy shoes..

They'll then take you to the surgery room where you'll lie down.. They'll hook you up to little monitor on your finger.. They'll probably give you little bitty oxygen tubs for your nose, hook up little monitors at your ankles.. There will probably be 3 people + the dental surgeon in the room.. So when you're all ready to go, the surgeon will give you a tiny prick on the arm with the anesthesia and you'll be out within 5 seconds..

Afterwards, you'll sort of come-to in the recovery room, where you'll be lying down.. Nurses will keep an eye on you for 10-15 minutes or so and they'll have you sit up slowly, They'll tell you what to do (rest, don't use a straw, etc) and then after a few more minutes you'll walk out and go home.. (someone has to drive you)..
You might be given a Rx for antibiotics or pain killers.. Then you go home and rest..Health Question & Answer

they take your blood pressure, hook you up to the heart monitor etc.. if going to be sedated make sure you don't eat anything 6 hours before surgery because they don't want you to aspirate and also if your going to be sedated make sure you have a responsable adult drive you there and take you home also you cannot be left alone at all for the first 24 hours after surgery .. after surgery you will be numb for about a good 2 hours but your dentist will explain all this to you..Health Question & Answer

When I had my wisdom teeth removed, they put me under.. Yes, they check all of your vitals before and after.. It is really very simple.. They give you a medicine (usually thru an IV) and before you know it your asleep and waking up.. Sometimes people have touble with nausia from the medication that puts you to sleep.. You can ask them if they can give you an anti-medicine to prevent this.. Good luck:)Health Question & Answer

No, they dont weigh you........actually the only thing they do is hook up your IV put a blood pressure cuff on you and your OUT..
Let me just tell you i was SOOOOOOOOOOO SCARED!!!!! I cried that whole morning, and especialy when I went back for them to start the procedure, I was freakin out! They put the IV in you and BAM you wake up in recovery.. YOu will be VERY groggy, and your mouth will be way numb.. But you will be fine.. I actually dont remember much of the first day I went home and went back to sleep, then woke up to take pain meds and would go back to sleep.. The second day was better.. I ate A LOT of Frosties from Wendy's..

Good Luck!!Health Question & Answer

If they are really going to remove the right and the left lower wisdom teeth they are inevitably going to do it under general anaesthesia.. Why did you agree to do so.? It is better to remove one at a time.. You wouldn't be able to eat neither on the left side nor on the right side for one week..Health Question & Answer

youll be fine i promise! i am 14 years old and i already have had my wisdom teeth taken out.. it was really scary at first, but they will explain the whole thing to you before the surgury even starts.. you dont feel a thing you are just a little sore afterwards.. hope i helped!!!Health Question & Answer

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