I have had braces. I have done retainers. What now?!

Question: I have had braces.. I have done retainers.. What now.?
I had braces for a year and a half.. Then i had to wear retainers 24/7 for 4 months.. Then i only had to wear them at night for 4 months.. Then i had to wear them every other night for four months.. Then i went to the dentist.. He said this was the last appointment ever.. he told me to wear retainers once or twice a week.. FOR HOW LONG.? A year.? A century.? FOREVER.?

and another little thing......i have been wearing retainers once a week for about a month.. but i have noticed my teeth moving back to how they used to be, only slightly..

HELP!Health Question & Answer

If they are already moving back I would go back to wearing your retainer at least a few nights per week.. It will be annoying to do this, but if you don't want your teeth to shift back I would highly recommend it.. I have heard that some people have to wear a retainer for the rest of their lives, or at least until an age when their jaw stops growing..

I would also go back to your dentist to get their opinion on what you should do..Health Question & Answer

You can get a linear retainer put on the backs of your teeth permanently.. It's a fixed or permanent retainer that's cemented to the back where it can't be seen.. Otherwise they will shift.. Alot for some, a little for others..
The only other solution is to have veneers put in once they've shifted in a few years to make them perfect again..Health Question & Answer

I think orthodontists sometimes neglect to get to advise on the cause of teeth movement.. If you are tongue thrusting then this needs to be dealt with.. A myofunctional therapist can look at your tongue movement and retrain your tongue so there is less chance of your teeth moving again.. I cannot guarantee that is the issue you have, but it is one possibility..Health Question & Answer

Dude...... I had braces for five years, and my dentist was like "wear a retainer" and he made my retainers really disgusting, like so I can't swallow my saliva and I sound like I have down syndrome when I talk.. My teeth are moving back, only a little...... and I just don't care anymore..Health Question & Answer

get denturesHealth Question & Answer

Well, yeah, basically forever.. Whenever you feel a dramatic shift in your tooth alignment, it would be in your best interest to wear your retainer.. I know it's annoying and embarrassing, but would you rather have straight teeth or minor embarrassment or discomfort.?

You should probably wear your retainer 2 to 3 times a week to keep your teeth from moving, because once you put your retainer in after a week, it's really tight and doesn't fit all that well..Health Question & Answer

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