How do I turn my daughter's palate expander? I watched the ortho's demo, but it is rather tricky.?!

Question: How do I turn my daughter's palate expander.? I watched the ortho's demo, but it is rather tricky...?
I have the key, and I asked the orthodontist exactly how to hold it, thought I understood how to put it in the small hole, turn toward the uvula until the next hole appears, etc.. But, she is getting upset, and slipped twice! I don't want to hurt her!!!!! My orthodontist's office apparently does not have an answering service and apparently cuts out early on Fridays!!!!!Health Question & Answer

It is really simple to do but very hard to see.. If you really want to try before you can see the orthodontist have her lie back on the couch.. Prop her head up on a pillow so that her chin is up in the air.. This way you can see the expander better.. Make sure that you put the key all the way into the hole.. You will know that it is in all the way if you let go of the key and it stays there.. If you let go and the key falls out then you do not have it engaged in the hole all the way..
Once it is in the hole give it a firm push to the back
DOn't be worried about hurting her.. She will feel a slight pressue but make sure to reassure her that she has to be very still so that you can do it properly.. If it is not done right she will have to wear the expander longer..
The only other option is to go to the orthodontist and have them turn it every day..
She is probably sensing your nervousness so reassure her that you know what you are doing.. Let her know that the only way it can hurt her is if she wiggles around and you can not see what you are doing.. Contact me if you have any questions.. I worked for an orthodontist for several years and placed and turned tons of these appliances.. Once you get the hang of it, you will have no problems at all..Health Question & Answer

if you feel uncomfortable doing this, DON"T!!, this is not your responsibility, it is the orthodontists responsibility.. take her back to the office, let the ORTHODONTIST, not the staff show you how to do this very important procedure.. it will make very little difference in the out come of the case if you wait a few days to see them.. good luckHealth Question & Answer

Do you know her orthodontist's last name.? Look it up on, and you should find it.. You can call him/her on their home phone (you won't be bothering them, they get it a lot) and ask if you can make a quick appointment over the weekend.. Maybe they could meet you there at the office, that's what they did for us.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

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