Wsidom teeth removal recovery concerns?!

Question: Wsidom teeth removal recovery concerns.?
alright i got all four removed on Tuesday June 16th, but i have a few of concerns.. First when can i stop taking Motrin.? Second, when can i start brushing my teeth around the extraction site of the wisdom teeth.? Third, when can i stop sleeping upright.? also i tend to worry a lot, but since it is my fourth day whats foods can i eat.? Right now i am just staying with fruits without seeds, yogurt, milk, applesauce, etc..Health Question & Answer

Motrin is both a pain-reliever and an anti-inflammatory.. You should take it if the sites are sore and inflammed.. It won't do much for the pain, except pain caused by inflammation (which is going to be the biggest problem)..

You sleep sitting up to keep your sites from hurting or bleeding.. If they don't hurt or bleed, you can lie down..

Brush and eat carefully.. Just try not to injure yourself..

General post-op advice: Over a few days you should notice that the sites are -healing-, i..e.. less pain and soreness day by day.. This is just like any other wound, like a cut on your finger or a burn or something.. Rest a lot, drink fluids, let your body heal itself.. If things are not getting better, if they are getting worse--that is, more soreness, more pain--THEN you call the dentist or dental surgeon or whoever, and tell them about it.. If it's getting better, then just relax and be patient.. You have holes in your jaw and bone has to grow into them.. Considering, you'll be surprised how quickly it heals!Health Question & Answer

You only need to take Motrin if you experience any pain..
You can brush around the extraction site as soon as the site is pretty well healed and you have no bleeding.. Just be gentle and use a really soft bristle toothbrush..
You can sleep laying down the day of the removal of wisdom teeth, I have never heard of sleeping sitting up after having this done ( I had it done too)..
As long as the extraction site is healing well you can go to a regular diet anytime now.. Just make sure to rinse after you eat to remove any food particles that may have gotten stuck..Health Question & Answer

I had my wisdom teeth removed a few months ago.. I am 13 by the way, so it was a bit easier since my teeth weren't fully grown.. I stopped taking the medication about a week after the procedure.. The surgeon told me that I could start brushing my teeth the day of.. Not with tooth paste though, just water to wash the blood off my teeth.. Good choice with the foods, too! Don't worry.. Continue everything until your follow-up appointment or until otherwise notified by your oral surgeon.. Good Luck! Everything will turn out well..Health Question & Answer

when i had mine removed, i went home, slept 8 hours, woke up, ordered a pizza, then ate it.. i had a week's worth of lortabs, don't think i needed them all.. sleep upright.? i never did that.. just be careful not to let those scabs come out..Health Question & Answer

Hi there! My name is Angela, and I am an Intern Dentist..
OK, I would like to tell you that you are out of the woods, but your not! You are still pretty much in the "critical" stage of healing.. Expected healing time for tooth extractions is anywhere from 7-10 days.. However, everybody is different, and it also depends on how well you follow your post op instructions.. The most important things that you should NOT do during this time is: Spit, drink through a straw, or smoke! Any type of sucking motion, or force, will cause the blood clot to dislodge, leaving the nerve and bone exposed, causing what is called a "Dry Socket".. Be very careful!!! This pain is far worse than a toothache! Eating.? well, I would suggest sticking to the soft food for at least a couple more days.. However, if you do decide that you cant take it anymore and end up eating a normal meal, its OK.. Just be sure to rinse your mouth with salt water in the morning, after meals, and at bedtime.. This will help prevent infection, and remove any food that stuck to the extraction site.. Do NOT spit!! Let the water run out of your mouth by holding your head down.. It sounds icky, but it is for the best.. Continue taking your motrin as needed for pain.. If you dont need it, dont take it.. If you still have swelling, or inflammation, then I suggest you take it for a couple more days.. If you are not bleeding anymore, you can now sleep normal.. You do not have to elevate you head.. So, try to get a good nights sleep, and dont worry!! Everything will be fine.. Remember, healing takes time.. And the more you follow your post op instructions, the faster you will notice a difference.. Good Luck, I hope this answer helped you some! and if you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via e-mail, I'll be happy to help!!!Health Question & Answer

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