I have to have a crown on my tooth. How much should I be paying?!

Question: I have to have a crown on my tooth.. How much should I be paying.?
I was told it would cost me 782$ out of pocket after my insurance paid 60% of the cost for my crown and post build up since my root canal was done over a month ago.. This seems ridiculously high.. There was something on there about "lab fees" 290$.. Is this just something they added in to get me to pay more or what.? I was thinking at most we might have to pay 400$, but not almost 800$.. Does this seem right.?Health Question & Answer

You need to be addressing this with that dental office.. They can explain how they do things.. We can only give you ideas of what they are charging you..

Are you sure that they are in-network with your insurance company.? More and more dentists are pulling out of the whole in-network thing.. Insurance companies set their fee so low, that dentists can't stay afloat if they accept all insurances.. If they are not in-network with your insurance, the dentist can charge you his normal fees.. The insurance may still pay them, but they are not going to pay them 60% of the dentists fees, they are only going to pay 60% of the fee that the insurance sets..

Example: The dentist charges $900 for a crown, but the insurances maximum fee is $600 and they pay 60% of that fee, then the insurance is only going to pay $360(Though it could be a little less if they put all their little quirky rules into effect..) If the dentist charges $200 for a post buildup, and the insurances maximum fee is $130, then the insurance will only pay 60% of $130, which is $76..00.. Total this would leave the patient paying $540 for the crown and $124 for the build up, plus any deductible they might owe..
So for an $1,100 procedure, the patient would be paying $664, which is obviously more than a 40% copay..

That is just an example, but it shows how an insurance company won't always pay 60% of the dentists fee, not if they determine that his fees are above reasonable and customary..

You need to find out for sure if this dentist is in-network with your insurance.. If not, your journey ends there.. He doesn't have to alter his fees to match your insurance companies..

If he is, you need to find out the reasonable and customary fee from your insurance, because a dentist can't charge above that.. However, he may charge fees that are not considered a covered charge by your insurance company..Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately that sounds about right..

I had a root canal and crown about 5 years ago and my out of pocket expense was about $685 with Delta Dental, and I think they only covered 50%..

If it's a porcelain crown, the "lab fees" may be related to the mixing process to match the rest of your teeth.? Not sure about that one, but if that is the case (call and ask your dentist) and the tooth is far enough back in your mouth not to be seen, you might tell them you want a metal one to bring the cost down.....?Health Question & Answer

You can call around.. When calling around make sure the crowns are not made in China..Health Question & Answer

dentists make one pay through their nose u can visit india and get the task done at the same cost u will also see a new countryHealth Question & Answer

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