Ahhh!!! getting braces?!

Question: Ahhh!!! getting braces.?
Can you tell me stories about getting braces ten points for the longest story ohh and what are some do's and don'ts of getting bracesHealth Question & Answer

:> i can help lol i know alot about getting braces

well when i was like 7 i got braces on my baby teeth(1/2 permanent) for pre-treatment then i had retainers till i was like 11 then i got braces again when i was 13 to straighten out my teeth & fix my midline & got all my wisdom teeth out so yer thats brings me to today i still have braces :>

colours are a big thing ............firstly clear are good i have them dont listen to everyone when they say they discolour becasue those people dont brush their teeth enough ;>
AVOID- yellows, oranges, greens, browns and whites of all types so fluos, pastels, just yer of anything they look yuck!!! and dont get rainbow so does that ewwww
GOOD COLOURS- are fluos, light colours, dark colours such as purple, blue, black some good combos are :
fluro pink & baby blue
hot pink & aqua
black and baby blue
dark & light purple
just keep it to 2 colours , one colour or no colours ok otherwise its not to pretty :>

make sure you follow the orthodontists instructions/guidelines as they dont like patients who waste their time by not doing as instructed..........please make sure that you brush, floss and use mouthmash at least 2 times a day :> ecspecially if you have clear braces ok

dont play with them as it becomes a habit that can damage the brackets and the arch wires so yer and dont eat sticky things that will get stuck to the brackets so caramel etc but i eat lollies just be careful and dont bite into them :>

for pain use bonjela or sm33, or any teething gel :> or you can use a pain reliever..

when eating when you first get them eat soft foods that require no chewing :> such as pureed apples, yogurt, mashed potato, rice, smoothies, protien shakes then start eating things that require chewing by cutting them up into small bits then start practicing biting into things again i used things like bread and cake; things that crumble easy :>

good luck :#Health Question & Answer

1.. It hurts the first week, usually.. The first few days when you tighten em up again..
2.. Dont eat popcorn or nuts, they break off your brackets and you have to see your orthodontists more often, i think they also charge you on it.. Depends on your orthodontists..
3.. Gum relieves pain.. Same with I..B profin..
4.. Your teeth look shiny..
5.. Carmel is a pain..
6.. Its not as bad as it sounds..Health Question & Answer

Im getting mine too soon..
I hope it dont hurt..
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