Dry Socket From Wisdom Teeth?!

Question: Dry Socket From Wisdom Teeth.?
How can i prevent dry socket in wisdom teeth.? Does drinking lots of fluids help.?Health Question & Answer

The oral surgeon should give you a list (written) of do's and don'ts, but here are the basics.. I can almost guarantee if you follow these instructions, you won't get a dry socket........
Sometimes they just happen, but most of the time, by following post-op instructions, you will be good to go in a week..
1.. Clear liquids only for the first 24-36 hours.. NOTHING WITH BUBBLES IN IT.. That means no soda, even though it is clear.. Good things to have would be broth, bouillion, jello (not pudding, just the clear jello), tea, clear fruit juices (not orange juice or anything with pulp in it), and, of course, water.. If you are dying for a soda, let it go flat first; then drink it.. No alcohol..
2.. DO NOT DRINK THROUGH A STRAW OR SMOKE!!This is a big one.. When you do these things, it creates a negative pressure in your mouth which can dislodge the blood clot..
3.. Do not spit forcefully.. Your mouth is going to feel gross and you will want to rinse vigorously and spit........resist the urge.. You can rinse GENTLY......use warm water or warm salt water (only after 24 hours) and let it kind of just sit in your mouth.. Then, let it run out, without spitting.. Again, you are trying to keep that clot from being disturbed..
4.. No dairy products for the first 24-48 hours, either.. Dairy products contain particulate matter that can get in the clot and disrupt it.. Hold off on the yogurt, pudding and ice cream until day 3..
5.. When you begin to brush, avoid the area in the back.. Yes, you may get some plaque buildup.. You can worry with that once your sockets have healed.. For this week, go GENTLY and don't reach all the way in the back..
6.. This has nothing to do with dry socket, but just for hygeine......you may want to keep a hand towel over your pillow.. You will probably ooze blood for a day or two.. At night, this will come out and to save your pillowcases from permanent stains, use the towels under your face..
6.. Treat yourself with kid gloves.. Don't rush back into eating before you are ready.. After that initial 36 hours, stick with soft foods..........like those mentioned above.. Be creative, because by then, you'll be hungry.. Baby food is good if your mouth still really hurts......the fruits are killer.. Then, there's the southern favorite; grits.. There's applesauce, oatmeal, cranberry jelly, puddings of every flavor......even cheesecake (without the crust)..

Best of luck to you.. Feel free to email me with questions or concerns.. I've spent many, many weekends on call for those poor patients suffering with dry sockets..Health Question & Answer

Hello there! My name is Angela, and I am an Intern Dentist..
Preventing "Dry Socket" when wisdom or any teeth are pulled, can be done by carefully following your post op instructions, and getting plenty of rest, and keeping yourself hydrated.. The most common causes of dry socket are:
"Spitting", Drinking through a straw, and smoking ..
Dry Socket occurs when the "blood clot" dislodges, leaving the nerve and bone exposed, which can cause severe pain.. Some say it is worse than a "toothache" itself.. So, any type of "sucking motion or spitting can force the clot out, so be careful.. Rinsing with salt water (1tsp salt per 1cup water) really helps prevent infection.. Though, do not spit.. Hold your head down and let the water run out.. It sounds icky, but it is for the best.. Do this after meals, and before bedtime.. Dry Socket usually occurs between 2-5 days after the extraction..
Drink plenty of water, and stay away from acidic drinks, as these can irritate the gums and the extraction site.. Drink very little water at a time.. Take your meds (if given any) as directed.. I suggest taking "Motrin/ Advil", as these are anti-inflammatory, which will help with not only pain, but with swelling, and irritation of the gums as well!! Follow the directions on the bottle..
Good luck, and I hope this answer helped you some! You can feel free to contact me via-email, if you have any other questions or concerns!!!Health Question & Answer

A dry socket is when the blood clot over the bone is dislodged.. Make sure you don't drink out of a straw or spit really hard for the next few days.. If you smoke stop for a few days.. If you feel you absolutely have to smoke put a piece of gauze over the socket..Health Question & Answer

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