I'm getting braces...HELP!?!

Question: I'm getting braces......HELP!.?
I'm going to be getting braces soon.. I need someone to explain the entire process step-by-step.. Does it hurt.? What happens the first time you go to the orthodontist.? How often do you have to go to get your braces tightened.?Health Question & Answer

Hey, I got them just under 2 weeks ago.. FIrstly, they put a plastic thing in your mouth, around your lips to keep your leips off the teeth.. This is comfy! the whole process only took about a halfhour for me..

1.. Moulds are made of your teeth.. X-rays are taken..
2.. a tube is put in your throat which sucks up all moisture (doesn't hurt)
3.. your teeth are throughly cleaned by the orthodontist
4.. blue goo is applied to your teeth (when it dries, it's glue- dont lick it it tastes awful!)
5.. the orthodontist uses tweezers to expertly position each metal part onto your tooth..
6.. Ultraviolet light is used to set the glue (blue goo)
7.. the wires are put in
8.. your chosen colour/s are put on (the bands)
9.. finished!

Your mouth probably won't hurt till the next day.. My mouth only hurt for a day or two...... just an ache...... not a lot of pain.. You have to work out what you can eat for yourself- i actually had basically no limits!

When you first go to the orthodontist, they take off the wires and coloured bands and replace them with tighter ones.. This hurts the next day, too.. (NOTE: most times you go to the orthodontist (around every 8 weeks) whilst having braces, they'll probably be tightened)..

Good luck, I actually like mine! They look odd to you for a while.. But they actually look cool when u get used to them!Health Question & Answer

you go in they will take some pictures
then they will take pre modles of your teeth then these olastic things go on the sides of your mouth
they mix the cement glue put it on your teeth
position the brackets doctor checks them
they use a uv light to dry the cement
at first it doesn't hurt but afer about an hour they start to
take pain reliaver before you go
they will give you a plastic chewey thing put it in the freezer and 30 mins later suck or chew on it
hope i helped
<3 retainer girl
p..s: you go to the orthodontist every 6 weeks the first few will hurt then you get use to it and if you brush ALOT then they won't hurt as badHealth Question & Answer

First they have to take moulds of your mouth in order to make the right shape braces.. To do this they put plasticine-like stuff into your mouth over your teeth.. Its cold but it doesn't hurt..

When i had my braces are fitted they hurt for about two weeks and i could only eat soup but then they got a lot better.. I had my braces tightened about once every 6 months.. This hurt for a few days but not as badly as it did when i first got the braces..

The only advantage of braces is a) choosing the colour of the elastic bands :) and b) you cant eat foods which dye the bands like red cabage :) (perfect excuse)Health Question & Answer

its fine trust me dnt worry i have braces but im gettin mine off in july yay
all they do is glue the brackets on to your teeth first (the bit tht holds the wire)
then you get to choose the colour you want
the dentist puts in the wire and cuts some off so its the right length then tightens it
and no it doesnt hurt at all you go evry 4-6 weeks just for tightening and checking how ur getting on
u might get ulcers to begin with but they give you wax you can put on hope this helps dnt worry soon youll get straight teeth :) xxHealth Question & Answer

okay well first of all CALM DOWN......

now the step-by-step process............u got molds of your mouth taken am i correct.? and now the bracket part begins....

1) they clean your teeth......
2)they start placing the brackets on......(they use a glue which tastes kind of sour..........but just DONT swallow)
3) they place the wires in......(u might get bumpers u might not ........it all depeds......)

for the tightning part

u go back like every six weeks....and sometimes they dont even tighten ur braces they just check them or something like that..........the first time u get the braces on though they hurt like a mother! but the pain goes away in about 3-4 days......then after u get hem tightned your mouth gets used to them and they dont hurt as much........

hope this helps....Health Question & Answer

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