I'm Getting Braces. I have some questions :]?!

Question: I'm Getting Braces.. I have some questions :].?
I'm getting braces this Tuesday.. I was wondering does it hurt.?.? And if so how long does it hurt.? also I don't know what colors I should choose..
Should I get pink and black or Blue and green.?.? If you have any other colors that look good on braces please tell me..

:]Health Question & Answer

I got braces last tuesday so hopefully I can help you you with your .?.?'s..
1.... The actual putting on of the braces does not hurt, all they do is glue the brackets on.. Although I did find the fitting of the molar bands to be uncomfortable.. There are bands that go on your back molars that the wire will slide into.. my advice is to definitely take some tylenol, motrin, advil, or whatever you like before you go bc in a few hours after your mouth will hurt.. You mouth will be sore for a few days, up to a week.. For me it was mostly the brackets rubbing on my lips and cheeks, but they Ortho.. will give you some wax, and that will help.. You will want to eat soft things for a few days, like yogurt, soups, pudding, eggs, mashed potatoes, bc chewing will hurt.. I was able to eat reg.. food by friday, but chewing still feels awkward, but have been assured it gets better..
2.. As far as colors, it really what ever you like.. I was shown a card that has all the color bands that they have.. You can change colors each month when you get them tightened.. I got gray bands to blend in with the brackets and wire, but then I am 27, not sure bright colors would be appropriate LOL I would stay away from white, bc I've been told they stain really easily with foods..

Good luck.... and remember to take that pain reliever!Health Question & Answer

I have not had braces, however my best friend, and my brother have, it really depends on the person, my best friends hurt, and she could only eat soups and things like that, because he teeth won't moving very fast.. My brothers are moving REALLY fast, and so he does not have any pain, he eats like a hamburger cheese which ever one after he gets them tightened (is that right.?) and that seems to help him out a lot, he did not hurt either of them when they fast got them, just felt a little weird for a while.. So I guess it depends, did your parents have them.? If so ask them and see if there teeth moved fast, if so then that is more likely to be with you, both my parents had them and they moved really fast, so it doesn't hurt as much.. I would go with Pink and Black, just seems cool.. I also like Purple and Yellow, Or Yellow and black, just depends on what you

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