I have a cavity. Is sensitivity to cold normal? How long is too long to wait for a scheduled appointment?!

Question: I have a cavity.. Is sensitivity to cold normal.? How long is too long to wait for a scheduled appointment.?
I noticed a cavity a while ago after sensitivity developed and had a dentist look at it after about 7 days after I discovered it.. I didn't tell him it was sensitive, and he scheduled me to see him 39 days later for a filling.. It has been 23 days since the initial appointment and the cavity has visually grown a little, and I still have like 17 days until the filling.. Should I be trying to get them to expedite the appointment.? Should this sensitivity be cause for alarm.? I am seeing a public "health board" dentist and I am afraid this might develop into trouble, but I don't know for sure..

If any of you are hygenists or dentists, your opinion will be greatly appreciated.. I can't see one in person for a while : (Health Question & Answer

Sensitivity to cold indicates that the tooth is decayed..

Sensitivity to hot indicates that the nerve of the tooth is involved.. I would say that the cavity was probably not that bad when you saw your dentist but the less you keep it clean then the worse it will get..

As for having to wait a month for an appointment, that certainly isn't your fault! He should have scheduled you in for as soon as he could have done.. I've never known a dentist to ask his patients to wait so that he could keep his diary free.. That's not the point..

I would just say that you should phone him up, explain that its causing you pain and if you could bring the appointment any closer.. There would be no harm in that, especially if they could fit you in on a cancellation or something!

Don't worry, it will get resolved soon!Health Question & Answer

The sensitivity of your tooth shows that the cavity is really huge.. The outer surface of a tooth, the enamel, is very hard.. But in the depth you have a substance, dentine, only a little harder than bone.. Each caries makes just a small whole into the surface as it is difficult to permeate.. Inside, however,it is much larger.. Sensitivity to cold proves caries near the nerve.. If you were my patient, I would take you on asap, preferably today..Health Question & Answer

well......i'm not a dentist or anything but i do know that the longer you wait the worse it is......this just happened to me, i waited too long to get my cavity filled and it became larger and deeper......so it just sucked..

try and get an earlier appointment because the longer you wait the worse it is.... just get it over with! :) good luck!Health Question & Answer

like a month......
dont wait too long
it gets worse and worseHealth Question & Answer

First off it is always wise to tell your health care professional everything that you can so that they get the full story of what is gong on with you.. Secondly I always prefer to catch cavities before they become sensitive.. I mean, let's face it.. Your nerve is deep inside your tooth.. If your cavity is close enough to the nerve that it makes the nerve scream out in pain when you stimulate it someway, well that should be a red flag for you shouldn't it.?
Chances are your tooth will be absolutely fine.. But, if it is too deep and the nerve should die, well then you would need a root canal or to extract the tooth..
Next time.. give the dentist the full story.. maybe you would not have had to wait 39 days to get it looked at..Health Question & Answer

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