When can I start noticing results with damon brackets??!

Question: When can I start noticing results with damon brackets.?.?
I just got them, when can I start noticing results .?
when can i start to eat something like a cheesburger [:.?.?.?
what can I eat in the mean while.?Health Question & Answer

I noticed changes within days and even had to get my wire clipped in back within about 2 weeks, not to mention I had to have my bite turbos sanded down about 2 weeks after getting braces too! My teeth started moving like crazy and they hurt too...... oh do I ever remember!!

In terms of eating, I would recommend you try and start eating as normally as possible as soon as possible.. I was eating sandwiches about 3 days after getting them on because I was so hungry and was so fed up with yogurt and jello and soup -- bleugh...... but the sandwich hurt, yet it helped my pride so much!

Eating more normal foods actually helps the soreness wear off, as I was told later by ortho.. I told him I just couldn't keep from eating, as I was starving, and told him what I ate --- I think his response was, "GOOD!!".. I now find that after I have adjustments, eating food that makes me chew really helps to work out the soreness and cramps of the face and jaw..

Try taking some OTC meds like Advil or Motrin.. Eat the cheeseburger in small bites, possibly cut it up into "slices" and just gently work through the pain.. It might take a lot longer to eat it, but oohhhh...... you will never forget your first REAL FOOD after getting braces on!

Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and oatmeal were my staples when they first went on -- not to mention yogurt, however they just didn't give me as much energy.. I was pushing myself onto solid food within about 3 days..Health Question & Answer

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