My abcess ruptured....what should I do?!

Question: My abcess ruptured........what should I do.?
GROSS!!! It is on my gums......and I rinsed my mouth with water and spat it out........I'm making a appt.. asap........Health Question & Answer

It's always good when the pus finds a way out! Your infection has a better chance of healing and it's less painful because it isn't building up pressure.. But definitely go to a dentist to treat the source of the problem..Health Question & Answer

Your abscess rupturing is not a good thing, the infection can now spread into your blood stream, causing what is known as sepsis......this is in an extreme case, of course, but you do want to see the dentist ASAP in order to avoid this.. Put ice on it, this will help with the swelling, and will slow the infection by constricting the blood vessels..Health Question & Answer

Either rinse with salt and warm water or 1/2 peroxide and warm water.. A couple times a day.. It is good that it is draining.. Take some tylenol not motrin so you do not spike a fever while sleeping.. Then get some rest.. The reason I say no motrin is because when you are taking motrin and have any surgery involving a cut like dental surgery, you will bleed more.. Once your procedure is done, motrin is cool.. They will probably order you an antibiotic and then after you are healing okay, remove the problem..Health Question & Answer

Yeah.... it sucks when it goes down in your jaw.... and you go to the "free clinic".... where everyone who has STD's goes.... and they think it's tonscilitis.... so they give you drugs that don't work.. And then you go back to the doctor, and they believe it's strep throat, and they give you more drugs.. The third time.... they thought it was my lymph nodes.... and so they cut it open and drain it.. Two weeks later, you go back.... and it's bigger than what it was when they cut it.... and then that very night, it gets so big that it explodes.... and you have a big open wound on your jaw.. They think that it's still your lymph nodes, and the wound was caused by stitches left in the wound from the surgery.. But two weeks later, you go to the dentist side of the free clinic, and he pulls a tooth, and says, oh yeah, that big bump on the side of your jaw was just an abcessed tooth.... and we could've just pulled your tooth and the bump would've went away..

No joke.... I was 8..Health Question & Answer

it is actually better that your abscess broke rather than swelling into your neck area......i would definitely recommend getting to a dentist ASAP you definitely need to have dental work done and to be put on antibiotics!Health Question & Answer

make this solution and keep rinsing:

1cup warm water
1tsp salt

mix and rinse..

oral care tips" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer


GOOD LUCK..Health Question & Answer

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