Having your tooth extracted?!

Question: Having your tooth extracted.?
Does it hurt.?Because I have a tooth growing on top of another tooth and I might have to get it extracted,so please help me..Health Question & Answer

Nah it doesn't hurt at all.. You will get freezing done so that you feel absolutely nothing.. Even when they put the freezing in, you shouldn't and won't be able to feel it - just all of a sudden you won't be able to feel your lips, cheek and possibly nose.. They will then start to peel back the gum - at this point, if there isn't enough freezing, you'll feel a slight pinch - speak up at this point if you feel it because that means you need more freezing done.. I had to get enough freezing to pull 2 teeth as a "regular" person would need to pull about 10 because I could always feel the pinch..

Once the freezing has completely set in, the only thing you will feel will be an intense pressure.. Your dentist will be moving back and forth but you won't see anything or any of that sort so you'll be fine.. The pressure is only for MAYBE a couple minutes while the tooth is being pulled - it's awkward at first but you get used to it quickly..

You are next given gauze to bite down onto to cause a blood clot.. For the next couple hours you'll have to change the gauze and continue biting down onto it to force the clot to form.. For the next 24 hours though, you cannot rinse your mouth, spit, eat/drink anything hot (lukewarm, cool and cold are allowed), drink alcohol, smoke or drink any carbonated beverages.. This includes NOT brushing your teeth since you would have to rinse your mouth and spit which are both not allowed..

When the freezing wears off a couple of hours later, you will probably start to feel a throbbing pain.. Take some painkillers (ibprofen, or if you are in Canada or some other country other than the U..S.. take some tylenol with codine........in the U..S.. you cannot get tylenol with codine over the counter) and you should be fine..Health Question & Answer

Simple procedure for dentists...... they will numb the area by injection and that hurts just a little, then you will feel a little pressure when they are pulling it but nothing major.. Afterwards if you do have pain any over the counter pain reliever should take care of it.. Follow the after care instructions from your dentist..Health Question & Answer

No because you get really nice pain killers while its being done and also because you get pain killers after its done too, that work really wellHealth Question & Answer

No you get a painkiller first and don't really feel it..
Don't worry-- it'll be fine..Health Question & Answer

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