Please Answer me buddies?!

Question: Please Answer me buddies.?
My Operation was finished just 24 hours ago under general anesthesia..Sir,they extracted two molar teeth from my left lower jaw,one molar teeth from my right lower jaw-all were horizontally impacted and was under the gums and then the upper last molar teeth from my right and left side respectively..

I asked them for gauze immediately after the operation but they told me that there is no need for gauze and took away already placed gauze too..Now I am not in any pain after 24 hours but I am bleeding and facing a GREAT PROBLEM..I..E..
they kept tube in my nose while I was in General anesthesia..That caused a lot of sputum to go and stay in my throat..Now thats creating cough,and when I cough and take out the sputum ,the blood too is oozing out from my operated area..Continuously sputum is forming in my throat sir..I am afraid I may develop a DRY SOCKET..NOw i got discharged and has come home..PLease tell me what I should do for the next few days and help an blood to form orHealth Question & Answer

No, you are not late..........just relax and take it easy..........nothing will happen..................................and I trust DRY SOCKET will not form.. You see, you may be facing this trouble for the next couple of hours..

So, plz listen........I dont feel there is any need to place gauze at this stage.. It does not serve any purpose at this time.. Regarding bleeding from the extracted teeth sites, I feel the problem will be over very soon.. Within a day or so, when you will be able to do quite frequent warm saline gargles, this problem of lot of secretions getting accummulated in your throat will be over that time, the sockets of the extracted teeth will also be somewhat, there will be no disturbance of the clot..........which must be organising( getting hard) fast..

also start doing Betadine gargles..--- take medicines as told by your operating dentist - start doing brushing with soft brush......start doing tongue-cleaning with the help of a tongue-cleaner.. This all will give you a very nice feeling of freshness and also will keep any infection very much away from your mouth..

Just forget the long answer that I have written..........but just remember that everything is OK ........Just take it easy !!
Yes, you can start taking warm tea, coffee etc.. will be very soothing.. And also start taking semi-solid and gradually shift to solid foods..........once you start taking proper diet, you would all the more okay !!Health Question & Answer

I would call the Dental group and tell them what you are experiencing.. Is this normal, what to do about the bleeding and discomfort.. What else to expect since they didn't do what you either asked or expected and the consequences there of..
Good Luck to you!Health Question & Answer

Go buy some guaze and keep it in your mouth.. Change when needed and if the bleeding doesnt stop, call your dentist..Health Question & Answer

OK..(1) get your own gauze, soak it in "ice water" and place it between the extraction sites....change it every two hours.. (2) Between gauze applications rinse your mouth "gently" with a 20% salt to water solution.. (3) Place ice packs on your cheeks adajacent to the extraction sites.. (4) "Do Not" suck on a straw, drink from a bottle or pop can as the suction can dislodge any blood clot from an extraction site and cause a dry socket.. (5) Do not attempt to drink any kind of extra warm or hot foods or liquids for at least two to three days as the hot liquids can melt the blood clots out of the extraction sites.. (6) Eat ice cream and other soft foods..You can begin to eat foods such as cooked veggies and meatloaf or hamburger meat after three day's.. (7) You can insure faster healing if you will begin taking a daily vitamin that contains vitamins A>B>C>D>E> and Zinc..

The excess saliva you are experiencing is natural as it depicts that the healing process is progressing......If however it doesn't all but stop after 48 hours you may be dealing with additional infection that will require you to take a regimin of antibotics......check with your physician about that.. Good luck and I wish you well..Health Question & Answer

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