Dentist took wrong tooth. 2 days later had them pull out right 1. they want payment.Isaid no. Ever happen to U!

Question: Dentist took wrong tooth.. 2 days later had them pull out right 1.. they want payment..Isaid no.. Ever happen to U
Dentist had x-ray of 3 teeth 2 with nerves touching decay thru each one.. other was slightly abcessed.. he pulled the slightly abscessed (no decay) and one decay, but left the one in the middle causing all the pain.. The dentist apologized and said they would get the right tooth today (and he did thank god) but on my way out the girl said that would be $164.. I said no that was dentist mistake, she said eventually the other one would have had to come out to so therefore I should pay!! she said that since the day prior I had agreed on a quote price (from the assistant who was not there today) that I should pay! I told her I was on vicoden and in extreme pain the day prior and wasn't sure of what the heck I VERBALLY said.. I then told her it was apparent she was in the position of trying to get payment for an error on their part, I left did not pay.... Ever heard of this before.? & What would you do.? also do they have to give me x-rays even though they feel I owe them money.? Thanks for help..Health Question & Answer

You should not have to pay for the extraction of the wrong tooth.. Though it may have had to come out eventually, it was an error.. I may not go as far as a malpractice suit since you probably signed a release and gave your consent for a procedure, but just refuse to pay for the wrongly extracted tooth..

also, an ethical dentist would also not charge you for whatever needs to be placed there to replace it (bridge, denture, implant, whatever you're getting..)

And not sure what you're asking about the xrays.. It's illegal anywhere in the U..S.. to give a patient his or her original xrays, but you can sign a release to get copies of them.. Most offices charge a few dollars for the copies..Health Question & Answer

lawsuit..........when the doc screws up its his fault........they cant say u have to pay because the tooth would EVENTUALLY have to come out

they cant legally stick you for their mistakeHealth Question & Answer

Tell them you'll pay and then you'll file a malpractice suit.. I'm sure they'll change their mind about the $164..

I think it's time to find a new dentist..Health Question & Answer

yeah, you can sue them for their mistake..Health Question & Answer

ask for a new quote from the dentistHealth Question & Answer

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