Having wisdom teeth cut out?!

Question: Having wisdom teeth cut out.?
I am having wisdom teeth cut out on Friday.. I am a big baby when it comes to pain.. Will they prescribe medication for me afterwrds cause i know after the anesthesia wears off that i will feel pain and i would like to know if they will prescribe some pain medication.. if so does anybody know what kind.?Health Question & Answer

Yes, it's best to have someone with you when you go.. You can get the dentist to give them your prescription and they can go and have it filled while they're working on you.. That way you'll have the pain meds right when the anesthesia wears off.. (been there, done that) Good luckHealth Question & Answer

They will put you out, but the pain afterwards will be negligible.. But that's speaking for myself.. You will be groggy for hours after that and you will probably be told not to drink from a straw the rest of the day.. The anesthetic was by needle but it's not so bad.. Lol, the tell you to count to ten..

"Ten--" And that was it for me.. :cD

Some pain meds might be Vicodin, but get the real one, not the generic.. The generic (for me ) reacts with the anesthetic still in the body and made me throw up, but it also makes you really sleepy.. Another pain med, capsules were two different shades of green, did nothing for the pain but made the room and my bed spin in different directions..

By the way: "Having wisdom teeth cut out.?" Ow, ow, ow, ow ow! That sounds really bad! ;c)Health Question & Answer

Hi! It was a few years ago when I had my wisdom teeth pulled out.. I remember being afraid that it would hurt afterword as well.. Not only did I have my wisdom teeth pulled, but I aslo had extra teeth growing beneath my gums that had to be removed.. The doctors put me under and I woke up groggy as can be, and could hardly remember the car ride home.. I experienced very little pain from the procedure, and hardly took any of the hydrocodone prescribed to me.. Infact I am sure after the effects of the anesthetic wore off that I could have went to work afterwords.. So I wouldn't worry much, you'll do fine..Health Question & Answer

I had all four of my impacted wisdom teeth removed in surgery about two years ago.. They put me to sleep with laughing gas, and when I woke up I had gauze in my mouth, and gauze wrapped around my head with ice packs on my cheeks.. The dental surgeon gave me codeine for the pain, which helped immensely.. You will most likely sleep the majority of the first day after having them removed, due to all the pain meds you will be on.. The rest of the time, just be wary of not drinking out of straws to avoid dry sockets, and taking care of the stitches the way your dentist tells you to..Health Question & Answer

When mine were removed, I had laughing gas and was put to sleep.. I will not lie, after my 2 bottom wisdom teeth removed, I was fine......until that anesthesia wore off.. That was the worst 2 weeks after wards.. I was prescribed pain medication, but I used that up along with at least 3-5 over the counter bottles of ibuprofen..

I luckily didn't have swollen cheeks and I was only able to eat grits, oatmeal, etc.. for the first week or so..Health Question & Answer

when i have mine out(all 4 at once) i was awake.. it was horrible.. after they gave me vicadin and penecillin.. i couldnt eat anything and you cant take vicadin w/o food so i was in full blown pain for about 5 days.. i also didnt eat for about 4 days..
DO NOT even try to take vicadin w/o food.. i have a really strong stomach for anything and i couldnt do it.. and it hurts horribly when you throw up and you have huge open cuts in your mouth..Health Question & Answer

usually its vicodin..........but if your allergic to codeinne then probably darvacets............also they will prescribe you an anibiotic MAKE SURE TO TAKE IT!! i didnt and got an infection and the infection hurts worse than the teeth pulled and cut out itsself!!
good luck! its not as bad as people make it sound..............i had 3 of mine cut out and one pulled......bled for 3 days........Health Question & Answer

i was terrified when i had mine taken out but it's not bad at all.. i threw up about 3 hours after i woke up and that's the worse part, changing the gauze is a bit gross but no biggie.. no worries! just keep icing so you don't bruise.. they give you lortab or something along those lines for the pain too.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Yes they will, most likely Empracet which is Codeine with Tylenol.. Or just Codeine..

I had it done too, and had meds for after.. Pain killers and antibiotics.. I had IV meds before hand to calm me down as I hate shots in my mouth......Health Question & Answer

They prescribed me vicaden after I had mine cut out.. I was really afraid of the pain but it wasn't as bad as I thought.. Just make sure you don't get dry socket!! That really hurts..Health Question & Answer

Piece of cake......they do prescribe pain meds, but you won't need them..Health Question & Answer

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