Can people choose to have root canals?!

Question: Can people choose to have root canals.?
My friend told me that the Dentist told her that her 4 molars or back teeth or something were in very good condition and that they have never had cavaties or anything.. She is around 30 now.. The Dentist asked her if she would want root canals to be performed on them so that she can keep them in that condition so that it wouldn't get this true.?

Can you ask/choose to have root canals so that your teeth don't rot or decay.?Health Question & Answer

Your friend is being tricked my friend.. Get them to a true Dentist because what he is doing is against the law and malpractice.. :)Health Question & Answer

I am a retired Dental Hygienist.. There is NO medical reason to have root canals on healthy teeth.. The roots of teeth have nerves and blood vessels in them that keep the teeth alive.. If you remove the roots the tooth is dead and even though the tooth may reamin in place with no other complications the tooth is weaker and has a higher chance of cracking a some point.. Root canals should only be done if the tooth becomes abcessed (the root in infected)..
Very few general dentists do root canals themselves, usually they will refer patients to an Endodontist (a specialist in do root canals) I personally would go to a specialist and not have a general dentist do a root canal if I NEEDED one.. Roots canals are very expensive as well, around this area they area at least $1000 per tooth..

Are you SURE he said root canals and not Sealants.. Sealants are commonly placed in the grooves of the chewing surface of the molars to help prevent cavities in this area of the molars.. It is a spececial coating that is placed there to fill in the pits, so that food and bacteria are blocked off from the deep pits.. This is a prudent and wise thing to have done if you have deep pits in your molars and is relatively inexpensive compared to having fillings..

If he really did say root canals, then the dentist is commetting malpractice and should be reported to the State Dental Board.. AND your friend should find another dentist and never go back there..Health Question & Answer


Why would anyone want to do that.?

As others have said, root canal therapy doesn't prevent decay ...... it's usually a last-ditch attempt to save a tooth that is severely decayed and/or infected.. Dentists don't recommend a root canal unless the only other option is extraction.. It doesn't even always work!

I can't imagine why any dentist would even suggest such a thing.. Opening a tooth all the way to the nerve is always a risky procedure.. Any invasive procedure done to a tooth makes it MORE likely (not less!) that the tooth will need to be extracted in the future..

Sounds pretty fishy to me!Health Question & Answer

i have never heard of doing root canals in order to prevent decay.. if your teeth are perfectly heathy then why remove the nerve.? removing the nerve doesn't remove the chances of decay, it just removes the chance that you will feel any pain if there is decay..Health Question & Answer

I have never heard of any dentist doing a root canal unless it's actually needed.. Why kill a perfectly healthy tooth, that just makes absolutely no sense.. It sounds like the dentist is just trying to get some extra money out of your friend..Health Question & Answer

well i think you can bring it up to your dentist if your having pain.. you can also ask HIM/HER(your doctor) if root canals prevent may also want to research root canals so if you do have them you are comfortable..Health Question & Answer

um well u sorta have to cause ur dentists says it would be best but i guess if u want to live ur life with ugly teeth haha jk but u could just tell them no! but tell ur friend its not that bad they numb u so u cain't feel it i mean c'on dentist are amazing and they never mess u up hahaHealth Question & Answer

........that sounds completely ridiculous.. I only had a root canal after my tooth became infected, and after that, the tooth seemed weaker than before..Health Question & Answer

That wont prevent cavities...... Her dentist is some sort of quack, he is trying to rip her off! Seriously, he needs to be reported..Health Question & Answer

Idk.. Probably not because your insurance wont cover something that doesn't need to be done, just because you want it..Health Question & Answer

yeah.. normally the dentist knows what's up..Health Question & Answer

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