Oral Sugery Experiences/Stories?!

Question: Oral Sugery Experiences/Stories.?
Does anyone have any stories or experiences from an oral surgery that they would like to share with me.?

I have an oral surgery tomorrow, and I am really nervous.. They are supposed to be cutting some of my gums and exposing a tooth.. I have had extractions before, but the thought of this surgery is reallllly scaring me.. I would love for someone to help me out!

Even if you don't have an experience, I would really like to know any tips for helping me get over my fear! Thanks so much.. Any and all help is appreciated!!

Thanks a lot!!Health Question & Answer

I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled last year.. I was really really nervous before hand, but it was over so quickly and not that bad! They gave me nitrous to relax me (you can probably ask for this if they don't automatically do it for you) and then they gave me an IV and I woke up what seemed minutes later.. I think it was a Thursday that I had the procedure done and I took Friday off and had the weekend to recouperate.. I was up and cooking dinner within a couple hours of having the procedure! Best of luck!Health Question & Answer

I have had some oral surgery after a many years of chewing/dipping tobacco along with a childhood-related hate of dentists (I've since gotten over this), and to be quite honest with you, the only time I had any pain was when they removed the stitches (felt like pin pricks).. I had my gums laid open all the way around and one wisdom tooth removed - 4 hours total.. Don't really remember anything and never felt pain.. The recovery was really pretty quick, had some prescription painkillers, but I do not recall being in pain after the surgery.. I took the pills for a couple of days just in case, but nowhere near all of them.. Had surgery on Friday and was out and about (with someone else driving) on Saturday, and back to work on Monday..

Relax, if you can take getting a routine cleaning at the dentist, you can handle the surgery..Health Question & Answer

I had both gum surgery and the removal of my wisdom teeth.. People told me that the gum surgery would be awful but, aside from the first day or so, it wasn't bad at all.. The molars, which people told me weren't such a bid deal, were AWFUL..

By the way, I was really nervous about the anesthetic.. I asked the surgeon to use as little as possible, as I was worried about the time it would take to recover..

I went out like a light, and the next thing I knew, the surgeon was yelling, "She's waking up and she's biting my finger!"

He turned up the drip and woke me up a few hours later with a good laugh..Health Question & Answer

when i had my wisdom teeth out it was scary, but the doctors know what they are doing.. they have done it hundreds of times.. dont worry!Health Question & Answer

Hi Renee......I've actually had the same surgery.. They had to expose my incisors (the "fang" teeth) and surgically remove 8 baby teeth prior to me receiving braces.. They used gas to put me to sleep.. I remember feeling very anxious and I was shaking quite a bit.. When they put the mask over my mouth and nose, I began to feel very cold and I started shaking even more.. (This is all very normal - especially if it's your first time being sedated with gas..) I was asked to start counting, beginning with 1,2,3......and so on.. Well, I reached somewhere in the thirties so they asked me to start with my ABC's.. I don't even remember speaking after that so I'm guessing it hit me pretty quick..

I didn't feel or hear anything from that point on.. I remember waking up on a cot in another office area.. Once I heard them and actually understood what they were saying, I immediately started to cry.. Hysterically, actually.. As I mentioned before, I thought I was having a bad reaction to the sedation or that something was really wrong with me.. They encouraged me and told me it was normal behavior after sedation and I didn't need to worry.. Some people have this reaction and some others have no reaction..

After the surgery, I was given pain pills - which I'm sure will be the same with you.. This will help take the edge off any pain you may experience..

It's normal and OK to be a little nervous.. You'll do just fine I'm sure!

Good luck and heal fast!Health Question & Answer

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