I still have my wisdom teeth?!

Question: I still have my wisdom teeth.?
I'm 19.. Is it weird that I still have my wisdom teeth.? From the looks of it, they're pretty much all the way in.. They don't hurt.. I use them and brush them..
Just even hearing drills creeps me out and makes my mouth hurt.. In addition to that, the idea of having pockets in my trap is really unappatizing....
I get kinda weirded out because I can't open my mouth very wide.... for the past four years or so my jaw has started to lock whenever it desires...... So going to the dentist isn't really a happy thought....
At this point would it really be risky to keep them.?
Thanks..Health Question & Answer

no why would it be weird to have your wisdom teeth still.?.?
well as long as they are in straight and cause no pain and are even with the other back teeth than you go lucky :>

the locking of the jaw is actually a symptom of a jaw problem commonly known as TMJ, locking & popping of the jaw is the most common ones along with teeth clenching, grinding, headaches, ear aches :> this problem has nothing to do with your wisdom teeth so dont worry its all to do with the jaw joint

go to an orthodontist ( try getting a few names of friends or cousins who had braces or anyone who knows of a good orthodontist) and go get you jaw checked out :> they will also be able to give you some advice on your wisdom teeth........and just to let you know you wont have flaps as they stitch these up during surgery but get both your problems checked out sooner rather than later cos trust me you will have more to worry about than drills in your mouth ;>Health Question & Answer

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