You know how dentist charge if you miss an appointment? Can I charge if my dentist cancels with no notice?!

Question: You know how dentist charge if you miss an appointment.? Can I charge if my dentist cancels with no notice.?
I went to my appointment today only to be told that my xrays from my previous dentist did not arrive and I would be charged $60 for new ones..! Why couldn't they tell me this when they confirmed my appointment on Monday.? Well, since I had to pay someone to watch my child and waste my $4..00 a gallon gas to get to the appointment only to be told that the dentist would not see me without buying new xrays, I think that the dentist should pay me $50.. This is the amount I was told I would owe if I missed my appointment.. There is a very long story in between this all but there is not enough time in the day to re-tell.. When I returned home and called my dentist to ask who was going to pay me my $50 I was told "we found your xrays, they're horrible".. So basically they had them, but assumed I would pay for new ones!Health Question & Answer

I once made a stink about that.. They always tell ya they want 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment or they charge you.. I went to see an orthodontist, it was my first visit.. I got to the office and the receptionist told me the doc was sick for the day.. She left me a message that morning.. So I told her I wanted my $50 for the cancellation fee.. She thought I was kidding.. I didn't expect to get it, I just thought it was fair to bring up the point.. If you require notice, then so do I..Health Question & Answer

unfortunately, it's their practice, and they can do it.. you can either give them another chance, or find a new dentist.. my dentist actually does not charge for a missed appointment, but if you miss more than two without letting them know, they drop you as a patient.. I would speak to the office manager and let them know how unhappy I was.. Maybe they can waive the fee, or part of it..Health Question & Answer

Not only would I make them pay for gas and loss of time and sitter I would also make him pay for the time spent waiting in the waiting room.. I would picket hi office, first find a new dentist LOL I don't think you want to picket the dentist then go in and have him check your teeth LOL the Dentist might "picket" your teeth.. LOL LOL LOL I know corny but I couldn't help itHealth Question & Answer

Tell them that you are not going to need the future appointment because you are switching dentists because you would like someone that shows
a) responsibility and competency at not losing your xrays
b) professional courtesy by calling you ahead of time to reschedule the appointment..Health Question & Answer

Try talking with your dentist first and let him know.. He might just give you some sympathy and give you what you want..
But I wouldn't recommend taking it to some small claim court, cause he has good money, and good money leads to good lawyer..Health Question & Answer

No, i'm sorry to say that i don't think that you can charge the dentist, but that it so horrible that they would do that.. They find anyway possible to get money out of us! It's insane..Health Question & Answer

I would ask again for the your $50 cancellation fee and let them know that "they're horrible" comment is uncalled for and discourteous and for that you are charging them an additional $50..Health Question & Answer

ASSHOLES! Sue their asses!!Health Question & Answer

My F***ing dentist did the same thing!!! I wish you could charge them..

I wish I could find a decent dentist- they are as hard to find as decent car salesmen !!!!!Health Question & Answer

It varies with dentist to dentist..Health Question & Answer

try to sue them in small claims court! good luck, that sucks!
sue them, definitely!Health Question & Answer

I would..Health Question & Answer

some charge more than others, it can be 20, 45, 40,50 the most..Health Question & Answer

That's wrong, and unethical.... You should report the doctors office to the Better Business Bureau, and explain the entire episode.. But if as you said its a long story and you acted in a less than stellar or professional way, then maybe they were being sort of "well if you want to cancel on us and be nasty then we can do it back to you.." Not that I am saying that's what happened but doctors offices can be petty too.. I know first hand all about that.. But contact them and find out if they actually had the films when you were there and if they did, request some reimbursement for your wasted time and finances, and if they make excuses let them know you will be contacting the BBB..Health Question & Answer

I work for an endodontist (root canal specialist) and we always take our own xrays, even if the patient brings them from another dentist.. However, since they are for OUR benefit as well as yours, we do not charge..

A couple of reasons for this:

1) the other office might have mixed up and given the patient the wrong set of films.. it's scary to think about, but it DOES happen, unfortunately.. you wouldn't want us to diagnose you with something you didn't need because the rightful owner of the xrays DID need a root canal, would you.?

2) sometimes xrays are taken of a tooth/teeth and then additional work is done.. the old xrays (prior to the crown, filling, what ever) do not show what the tooth really looks like now..

3) often, even if they are of the right teeth, and the right patient, the xrays are just not of diagnostic quality.. not everyone takes pride in their work......

4) any xrays of more than three years in age are not considered to be current enough to recommend treatment from

I do agree with you that you should have been informed of the additional charges when they spoke with you on Monday.. If you plan to see this dentist again, let them know you were put out by the appointment being rescheduled and expect them to find you a time that works better into your schedule.. Most of the time if you just get a little grumpy with whoever answers the phone, you'll get what you're after.. No one likes confrontation!Health Question & Answer

Put your concerns in a letter to your dentist.. Then you will have time to formulate your thoughts, proofread it, and have a written record of your complaints.. At the very least, you will feel better after having put your thoughts on paper.. It sounds like you have a very legitimate complaint.. If you do not get satisfaction, change your dentist to one who does not charge for canceled appointments.. They are out there.. Most doctors understand that things happen and patients sometimes have to change or cancel.. As long as you do not abuse the cancellations a good doctor will understand!Health Question & Answer

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