Novicane problems? (Post-root canal)?!

Question: Novicane problems.? (Post-root canal).?
Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this..

I had a root canal yesterday on one of my upper molarish teeth, it's two teeth behind the canine on the right side.. As always, the dentist had to apply a bit more novicane with me than most patients, two more injections than he thought necissary..

Well, it's more than twentyfour hours since the root canal was done, and I looked in the mirror to discover that my face still seems a bit droopy.. Not only that, but when smiling, my upper lip doesn't seem to go the whole way.. The sensation is mostly back...... but I think there might be some sort of nerve issue there..

This is the first time that's happened for me.. Should I wait for the nerve to heal, or should I be concerned.?

(Taking vicodin substitute for the pain..)Health Question & Answer

I believe it is not possible for you to have suffered nerve damage from freezing an upper molar resulting in the facial drooping that you are describing..
A Facial Palsy or Bell's Palsy would result in drooping of the eyelid, corner of mouth etc etc results from either freezing or worse from damage to Cranial Nerve 7, the Facial nerve..
Freezing the Facial nerve requires the dentist placing the needle more posterior than he would for where he would place the needle when freezing the lower jaw.. This is VERY different area that where you had your freezing..
Therefore, I would suspect that given a little time, all will return to normal..Health Question & Answer

When you get a root canal done, they use a stronger novacaine....well, I know my endodontist did.. My face was more numb than usual.. Give it more time to wear off.. It should be fine..Health Question & Answer

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