Why is it in need to take the wisdom teeth, when you work in a ship traveling abroad?!

Question: Why is it in need to take the wisdom teeth, when you work in a ship traveling abroad.?
I don't remember the entirety of what I heard about this, but it pertained to cabin pressures..Health Question & Answer

Why is it ......uh...... sorry.? I'm trying to read that question, but I get no connection between working on a ship, and having your wisdom teeth taken..

Then again, I only have one of my wisdom teeth left, perhaps I'm not smart enough to read that question, now..Health Question & Answer

the human mouth has evauled, most mouths have gotten smaller and cant fit in those teeth (because losing a part of your body takes longer) your mouth so you need to remove them because theyll put extra persure on your teeth, or ruin your dental work..Health Question & Answer

Did not know you had to have wisdom teeth removed when working on a ship traveling abroad.. Can't see any logic there..Health Question & Answer

cause they want people with brains.?.?.?Health Question & Answer

what.?Health Question & Answer

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