Quick 10 points? overbite?!

Question: Quick 10 points.? overbite.?
i have an overbite or so i think, does anyone have any pictures of what teeth should look like on the side if you don't have an overbite.? much appreciated..

hm, something else i've been wondering....
if i "fix" my overbite, my back teeth won't touch each other, so could i still eat.? or is this not an overbite.?Health Question & Answer

An overbite is how much your upper teeth overlap your lower teeth in a vertical direction - ie how much of your lower front teeth are covered by your upper front teeth when your back teeth are biting together.. The normal range is 1/2 to 1/3 of the lower teeth being covered by the uppers.. It may also be known as a deep bite, especially if the overbite is large - virtually the whole height of the lower teeth being covered..

Some people use 'overbite' when they really mean 'overjet' - overjet is the distance between your upper and lower teeth horizontally, easiest to see when you look at someone in profile.. The upper teeth are normally positioned a little further out than the lowers (2-3mm), an overjet is anything more than that (and a reverse overjet is if the lower jaw sticks out more than the upper jaw)..

This picture shows a diagram of overbite & overjet:
.com/images/Overbite..jpg" rel="nofollow">http://smilesofmarin..com/images/Overbite......

This shows a large overjet, in profile:
.egms..de/figures/journals/cto/2005-4/cto000025..f9..png" rel="nofollow">http://www..egms..de/figures/journals/cto/......

A normal overbite/overjet in profile would be something like this:
.tqnyc..org/NYC063002/teeth3..bmp" rel="nofollow">http://www..tqnyc..org/NYC063002/teeth3..bm......

It's worth knowing that very few people have the ideal set up of teeth (occlusion).. Your teeth might not be perfect in orthodontic terms, but you don't have to have perfect teeth like in the magazines - it's nice to retain your individuality!

If you were to get your overbite/overjet corrected, you'd still be able to eat fine.. If you have a large overbite, the orthodontist can give you an anterior bite plane - this stops your front teeth closing together, so that the back teeth grow through and eventually close together.. If it's an overjet that you have, you might get fixed braces or elastics to fix the problem - but it's not just your bottom teeth moving forward, your top teeth can also move back, so your back teeth will still be functional..Health Question & Answer

An overbite is when your top teeth overlap your bottom teeth.. There are varying degrees of this from slight to completely covering the bottom teeth to the point you can't see them when your teeth are closed together.. Braces can correct this usually with rubber bands and or headgear - it just depends on the case..

Everyone's bite will look slightly different after braces.. Braces sometimes can only correct so much, while other people have had surgery to help correct it -- also, not everyone ends up with a perfect bite or perfectly aligned teeth following braces...... sometimes there is just major improvement, not perfection.. Only an orthodontist would be able to tell you how close to perfect you would be able to achieve with braces..

When your bite is fixed, your teeth will hit much better and will hit evenly on both sides.. You will be able to grind and chew your food much easier! You will love it!!Health Question & Answer

hello, Ok, if you have a true "overbite" you can look in a mirror and or just feel it with you mouth closed and it will be obvious..........But here is the average bite......when your teeth are closed together it's natural for the Upper front teeth to extend beyond the lowers between One and three millimeters......and down past the edge of the lowers by about the same distance........If the distances are greater than that you would be considered to have a true "overbite".. Correcting an excessive overbite would never include a procedure that would cause the back teeth not to properly contact when the jaws close........Extreme overbites can require extreme correction procedure while lessor overbites can be corrected with far more less invasive procedures......See a DDS and get a definitive diagnosis..Health Question & Answer

When you bite down on your back teeth the upper front teeth should overlap the lower front teeth by about 1-2 mm.. This is an overbite.. Excessive overbite is when the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth by more- say 5-6mm.. In this case when you bite down you would almost see none of you lower front teeth.. A little overbite is normal..Health Question & Answer

What does your dentist say.? If you had one he would have told you so.. Your front teeth have to go in front of your bottom ones otherwise you would not be able to close your mouth..
Sure you could still eat you use your front teeth to bite with & the back teeth to chew with.. Here is one web site that you can go to.. Just search overbite on Yahoo

Having a confident smile can change everything.. Invisalign can help..
www..invisalign..comHealth Question & Answer

an over bite is measured by millimeters.. If you can find a millimeter mesauring tape, then bite down on your normal bite.. Place the end of the measuring stick/tape on your lower teeth, If your front teeth are more than 1-2mm away from your bottom teeth, than you would have an overbite.. I hope that helpedHealth Question & Answer

Well, overbite is just when your top teeth are going too far over your lower teeth.. Your teeth need to be closer together, but not exactly on top of each other.. Braces help a lot with overbite by pulling back the top teeth with rubber bands..Health Question & Answer

An orthodontist could advise you about this WAAAY better than we can..

I had a slight overbite and my back teeth still touch each other.. Your teeth wouldn't be "fixed" if they didn't..Health Question & Answer

you need to get braces, and may need to take out some teeth so that your back teeth are in line with the ones in front..Health Question & Answer

umm....what's overbite .?.?....Health Question & Answer

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