What is a root canal? does it hurt? how can you pervent one when you are in the procces on getting one?!

Question: What is a root canal.? does it hurt.? how can you pervent one when you are in the procces on getting one.?
i went to the dentist and they worked on one of my cavities, then they told me that the cavity is too deep and i might be needing a root canal.? i felt a little relieve when he said "might", but then he told my mom i WILL get a root canal some time in my life time!!! i knew then that i will get 1 soon!!! what do they do in a root canal.? does it hurt during or after it.? will i be needing a crown.?Health Question & Answer

hi....if i was you i would opt for the root canal now! Do not wait b/c i did the same thing and suffered for it later on! Root canals no longer hurt like they used to.. The only thing that hurts a little is the numbing.. They have to freeze the nerve but they first apply some numbing gel to your gum anyway.. They have to freeze you like crazy.. After that, its done.. You dont feel a thing but you hear so much drilling and pressure.. You are scared at first b/c you pray the numbing works.. It does.. After the freezing wears off, your tooth will ache for a day or two but you can take advil.. Ive had 2-3 root canals done so far and none of them really hurt bad.. In fact, the tooth looks beautiful after.. They are very expensive but you have your tooth for life and it looks brand new.. Make sure you see an endodontist or ask your dentist to recommend you to one.. They have better equipment and they are specialists in this sort of thing.. Now, i dont want to scare you but this last root canal i had done was from hell!! I didnt get a root canal done 2..5 years ago.. They filled the cavity and put on a crown instead.. they had to shave the tooth down.. What ended up happening is the crown got a little loose or bacteria begain to multiply inside the tooth.. For about 2 years i kept telling the dentist that it was still sensitive when i brushed my teeth and it even had a bit of a foul odour to it.. Deep down inside, I always thought i should of had a root canal done for that tooth b/c the cavity was so deep.. Now almost 3 year later, i develop the worst toothache ever and found out that there was a severe infection not only in the tooth (covered by the crown) but alsp spread (abscess) into the gum and roof of my mouth......all from one tooth!! Not only was it the most painful root canal i ever had (had to freeze me seven times through the infection!!), but after it was done had to go back and get an incision and drainage to get the pus out of my mouth! That hurt like heck!! Im on antibiotics and pain killers.. They put in a drain as well and sutures.. Tomorrow, i go back to take out the stitches and drain.. I feel so much better!!! The pain is gone! However, if i had to do it all over again, I would of gotten a root canal years ago when it wasnt that bad.. They remove the pulp inside the tooth, clean it out, and burn the nerve endings so the tooth is dead.. You never feel pain again yet the tooth stays intact with a crown over it.. So now that you heard my story, get the root canal done.. If you dont, the first signs of irriation at brushing or any kind of funky smell, do not let your dentist brush it off and say your tooth is just sensitive.. Those are early signs of infection meaning the crown has to come off and root canal done.. My dentist at the time was in it for the money.. He got tons of money to do the work and figured later on can make more money by doing a root canal.. So make sure you have a good dentist and that you get referred to an endodontist.. they are the best at this stuff.. They also use special microscopes to see more clearly and remove further bacteria.. They also use smaller drills that are more precise.. I hope i helped you b/c if i know now what i didnt know then, i could of been helped alot sooner.. At least your doctor was honest to say you need a root canal down the road.. Do it now.. They dont hurt if you do it early before infection sets in..Health Question & Answer

no it does not hurt.. hey, be carefull of the crown it takes of easily.. ok about the root canal, does not hurt dont worry ok..
i got it and im in the crown level.. the dentist puts toothpicks on ur gum and burn your theeth.. and ya hurts after like a hour..
and u will be needing a crown.. whenever the crown gets off tell ur parents..
i hope this help u..Health Question & Answer

The only way to avoid a RC is have the tooth pulled..
If the cavity is too deep then the dentist should have given you a RC right then and there or sent you to have one done..Health Question & Answer

The worst feeling in the world!!! Feels like a sledgehammer is hitting your tooth..Health Question & Answer

If its done right, you'll be sore, but it won't be painful..

They numb your mouth.. Then they place a "rubber stopper" (a flap of rubber held in place with a metal scaffolding-like device) around the tooth.. They drill out the tooth, then use these tiny brushes to remove the nerves inside the roots.. When that is done, they place pins in to stablize the tooth.. Then they fill it in.. Usually they can do it all in one visit (1 1/2 hrs.. roughly..) Sometimes, they need to split it into 2 visits - if there's an infection or bacteria they're concerned about..

If you're lucky, you won't need a cap.. It depends on how strong the outer tooth is.. If you do, they make a mold of the tooth & put on a temporary cap while a porcelain cap is made.. In about 2 weeks, you go back & get the cap.. That part is easy - just a little pressure as they pop off the temp & put on the permanent.. After that, you're done..

I have had 6 root canals (5 are capped).. Take some advil or tylenol before the procedure because your mouth will be sore.. Its more that its uncomfortable sitting there than anything else..Health Question & Answer

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