Why did this randomly happen??!

Question: Why did this randomly happen.?.?
I had a loose tooth that had been loose about a year and a half and this morning it was no looser than normal (which is barely loose) when all of a sudden when I was eating my ham sandwich, it fell out! I don't know why or how this couldv'e happened because it was hardly loose!Health Question & Answer

A primary (baby) tooth falls out because the permanent tooth underneath pushes on the primary tooth and resorbs (melts away) the root.. But sometimes, this is not enough to let the tooth "fall" out.. Often, the baby tooth needs a little help (that's you!) to twist it out.. If it's left too long, or if one of the roots is still holding it in the gums, it starts to embed (bury) itself in the gums and can feel like it's reattaching, and it doesn't feel loose.. So, it was probably time, but you have just maintained a loose tooth! Did it have a little pink shining through the white enamel.? This is often a sign it is more than ready to come out! Your situation happens to a lot of people :)Health Question & Answer

It was its time to go........ Don't worry, its in a better place......Health Question & Answer

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