Teeth whitening whats best on a budget?!

Question: Teeth whitening whats best on a budget.?
I cant afford to have it done by a cosmetic dentist, what are the best products people have tried.? There are so many on ebay!
Thanks for any responsesHealth Question & Answer

The best products are the kits you can get from your dentist, but I have pretty much all the home remedies and I found that the crest extra whitening toothpaste plus scope and the 14-day crest white strips do a great job.. I use the toothpaste regularly and the followed one box of crest strips as suggested and now use a set of strips once or twice a week.. I was talking with my dentist the other day and he noticed how white my teeth were and we got talking and he asked what I had been doing.. He said the crest stuff and all the home kits tend to not work that well unless people stay away from overly dyed foods, like koolaids, dark pop, coffee, tea, etc.. So if you really want them to work and last be sure to reduce your intake of these things.. I don't ever drink anything dark and am a little OCD about my teeth so they worked amazingly.. Hope this helps and good luck..Health Question & Answer

I'll try the OTC, if you're not in a hurry of whitening it.. The OTC takes time for your teeth to get white.. But if you need to get a fast result, I suggest you go to your dentist (regular dentist) and ask for a whitening kit.. It cost about $150, comes with custom fit tray..

I use the Sapphire 22% (comes with 5syringes and whitening toothpaste).. I see the difference for just as little as 30 minutes.. But of course, it depends how stained your teeth are, but definetly can see difference after one application.. One syringes can last 5 applications.. I'll try 10 minutes first, but if you can tolerate it try 30 minutes.. At first it will be sensitive but you will get use to it after several application..

also after whitening, you might see white spots on your teeth, its normal and goes away, actually, I think they indicate how white they can get.. And also, brush with sensodyne before whitening and after to reduce sensitivity on your teeth.. Do not eat or drink while whitening.. Resume eating after 1 hour had passed..

P..S.. do not swallow, spit out while whitening.. Its better to stuck a paper towel in your mouth while whitening, so your not in the sink the whole time..

If you get the laser done, it will cost about same as the tray.. But the advantage of the tray is that you will maintain it and have more left of the syringes.. You will get the same result on the chair and take home professional teeth whitening.. But the laser last about 3 months.. same as the tray but you will still have 4 syringes left..Health Question & Answer

Crest Vivid White toothpaste really works and it is only about $4.. I only use it at night but within a week I had people asking me if I had whitened my teeth so it does work..Health Question & Answer

Crest Whitening Strips.. They really work!Health Question & Answer

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