How to give 4 year old codeine tablet? He wont swallow it?!?!

Question: How to give 4 year old codeine tablet.? He wont swallow it.?!.?
Doctor prescribed for a bad toothache, until he gets into see the Dentist monday.. I just don't know how to make him swallow it.. It is pretty big....I can crush it, but what do I mix it with.?.? Won't he taste it.?Health Question & Answer

Wow - I'm really surprised they didn't prescribe liquid pain medication.. You can crush it and put it in a small amount of orange juice - which is strong enough to mask the flavor.. You could also hid it in pieces in a food that you are sure that he would eat (although with a sore tooth - probably not)..

You can crush the pill and stir it into applesauce..

You can sink the pill into a piece of banana and ask the child to swallow it in one bite..

Some recommend wetting the pill to help it slide more easily down his throat..

Some also recommend "taking a pill" with the child - like a contest or showing him that it's ok - like you taking an Advil while he takes the pain pill..

I also had a pill that I couldn't take one time because it was too big - and the nurse just had to give a verbal ok to get them to change it to a powder formula.. If he truly cannot get it down - I'd call your after hours pediatrician..

Good Luck! I hope he feels better soon!Health Question & Answer

Grab a banana mash it and in a spoon place a bit of banana then the pill (whole or mashed) and a bit more banana so he wont see the pill you can even add a bit of condensed milk on top he will loooove this the same goes for an adult that dont like to take medication just stick it inside a piece of banana easy to swallow and tastes good!Health Question & Answer

crush it, mix it with hard honey, and spread it on a single cracker..

a lot of people mix it with jam, but I always found that the jam was never sweet enough to hide the awful medicine taste.. you can never grind the pill up fine enough, it will always have that "gritt" to it, and to putting it on a crunchy cracker will hide the texture!

Hope it helps, and hope your son's tooth gets better!!Health Question & Answer

Don't crush it!!!! Pain medication like that are meant to dissolve gradually.. By crushing it, you're sending a rush of codeine through his body..

The dentist could have prescribed a liquid form like Tylenol with Codeine.. That would be easier for him.. You could put the pill in a teaspoon of orange juice or some other kind of liquid that he likes and tell him to swallow it all as fast as he can.. Just don't give the pill time to dissolve..Health Question & Answer

I'm a grown woman and I can't take chalky tablets, do it one of these ways:

Grind it into a powder and mix it well in a tart juice such as cranberry or lemonade.. By the time he realizes it doesn't taste quite right, it will be down..

It also works in fruit-flavored liquid vitamins (for children)..

Jello works too, but the juice is the quickest, easiest way to get it down..Health Question & Answer

Call your pharmacist before doing anything else.. Make sure that the dosage is correct before giving it to him.. I can't imagine prescribing tablets for a four year old.. Sometimes there can be a mix up, not often but just to be on the safe side.. The pharmacist can tell you if it's safe to crush the pill & give it to him.. If not they may be able to swap the scrip for a liquid or chewable tablet.. Hope this helps..Health Question & Answer

As a child it was impossible for me to swallow any pills........ My Grandma always crushed them up to a powder and mixed it with a spoon of honey...... Yeah I know, not good for the cavity but your child will feel a lot better with a little codeine in his system.. All the best!Health Question & Answer

1) The idiot doctor should have prescribed a liquid preparation..
2) The idiot dentist should have got you in sooner..Health Question & Answer

shove it down his friken throat

if youve tryed that and he has bitten you, just put it in like icre cream or something
he probably wont really notice
and besides, if he did, would he really stop eating ice cream.?Health Question & Answer

mix it with yogurt or pudding, i can't swallow pills at all but putting it in yogurt or chocolate pudding always works for me!Health Question & Answer

Buy some liquid children's MOTRIN , it works really well, and you can have him take it every 4-6 hours and in between give him Tylenol..Had lots of grand-kids.. Good luck..Health Question & Answer

it would be great if it was chewable.. if you crush it you can put it in something like applesauce or a brownie..Health Question & Answer

mix it with water and then some kind of maybe choc.. milk= drink a glass with him= but really check with any ER room with this story= or call where you got the codeine==Health Question & Answer

well if you are allowed to crush it i would crush it up and mix it in with some mashed potatos and make him eat all of it! lolHealth Question & Answer

My mom always mixed it up in can taste it, but not too bad......

good luck, hope he feels better..Health Question & Answer

disolve it in a spoon full of water..Health Question & Answer

It is not SAFE to crush medications unless a pharmacist or doctor gives you the right.. Tablets are tablets for a reason! They slowly and eventually dissolve in the body.. Crushing it will speed up the absorption! So before you do anything contact the pharmacy and they can advise you or even give you a syrup instead.. They can also make the change to a syrup rather than you having to call up your doctor..

Yeah, you don't sound like you have the brightest doctor for your son.. Usually for kids they always prescribe liquid unless it is not feasible.. On second hand, it may also only be a mistake on behalf of the pharmacy.. You can call them up and tell them your ordeal.. The longer you wait, the more pain your son may endure needlessly..

**DON'T listen to the writer who tells you to buy MOTRIN because Tylenol w/Codeine and Motrin act similar but are used for several different situations.. Never change medication types unless your doctor tells you to.. This could cause serious harm..Health Question & Answer

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