Dentist replaced filling in crown on Thursday and today I am in a lot of pain!?!

Question: Dentist replaced filling in crown on Thursday and today I am in a lot of pain!.?
I have a crown on a tooth that needs a root canal.. I can't afford it right now so, the dentist performed (about 3 months ago) kind of a partial root canal and put in a temporary filling which fell out a couple of weeks ago.. (He said it was a temporary fix but would sustain me for 6 months to a year).. It was not painful having the filling missing, but on Thursday I went in to have the filling put back in to prevent infection, etc.. I was fine on Friday, but this morning I woke up with extreme sensitivity on the tooth.. It hurt a lot to touch it.. Throughout the day the pain has gotten worse and has progessed to a throbbing pain and referred pain to other teeth.. I have taken Vicodin and advil with little no relief..
Ice helps a little, but other than that it is pretty bad.. Please let me know if you know what the problem might be or if there is something else I can do to relieve the pain till the dentist is in on Monday..
Thanks!Health Question & Answer

Before he put the temp in the tooth it was able to drain whatever infection was in there.. Then he closed it up by placing the temp filling thereby closing in the infection in,
like placing a cork in a bottle of carbonated soda that is about to explode.. Your dentist needs to take the filling out let the tooth drain and put you on a 10 day regimen of antibiotics..
To prevent food from getting in the hole he can place a soft peice of cotton.. When your pain is gone he can place a temp again.. If you have no more pain, he can then finish the root canal..
Don't forget the post and core afterwards.. And as long as the crown still fits well you don't need a new one.. But you do have to wonder how the decay got under the crown if it fit well in the first place.. Unless decay was left there initially.. Food for thought, though.. Good Luck!Health Question & Answer

Find another dentist fast....and good luck finding anyone good.. Root canal procedures have been going on for a very long time now so if most of these "dentists" were not crooks you probably could afford it.. The way most dentists work....and considering how primitive their equiptment is......they should charge $150-400 a root canal.. How many do you see working with microscopes doing root canals.?
Doing a pulpotomy was just to relieve the pressure and lasts inversely proportionate to the depth of the "infection".. It MAY sustain you not WILL sustain you..
Taking pain relievers is also a very unmedical effort.. The pain is there to tell you to do something about it or else worse.. A person should ONLY take pain killers in a CONTROLLED MEDICAL PROCEDURE........and never as a "treatment"..
Good luck with your tooth and the system..Health Question & Answer

It could be that the new filling has changed your bite a bit.. The general rule for checking that your bite is right is that if your teeth on the OPPOSITE side of your mouth touch normally, the side in question is fine - it can feel odd for a few days following any dental work..

Try taking advil and tylenol on a rotating basis.. 600mg of advil, three hours later, two extra strength tylenol.. Three hours later, back to the advil.. You can alternate the two for several days, or until you get back into the dentist.. If you are still uncomfortable, take a vicodin along with NOT instead of the advil/tylenol..

We give this routine to all our patients after root canal treatment, and 99% of them have no complaints at all..

Do not place heat on the outside of your face as it can cause swelling..

Hope you feel better!Health Question & Answer

If it is an infection you may call your dentist.. when I was pregnant I had to have that done and it got infected.. Since I couldn't take pain medicine he took me in first thing in the morning and gave me a shot in the gums.. He said it sometimes needs to be broken up for the pain to go away.. Not sure what it was that needed to be broken up but I didn't feel my mouth all day long and it was wonderful.. When the feeling came back the pain would go away with 1 tylenol.. Hope that helps..Health Question & Answer

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