Question for dentist..?!

Question: Question for dentist.....?
Ok i really dont like my smile at all theres nothing wrong people say i just dont like them that much.. I have these white spots within my teeth someone told me they are called mineral spots can you get rid of those yourself without going to the dentist.? I havent got my wisdom teeth yet, does everyone get those.? This is hard to explain but my front teeth (2 on top and 4 below) have these ridges on them and i just dont like them at all, is there anyway the dentist can get rid of the or shave them down like the rest.? And lastly my teeth are only a little seperated in the front is there any way you can push them together without braces.? Sorry for so much i just cant get into my dentist for another 2 months.. Thank you soo much!!Health Question & Answer

the mineral spots are de-calcified areas......I have them myself because I had braces, and when I did, I did not take very good care of them by brushing and flossing properly when i was little.. There is no way to remove them, even when going to a dentist.. They are like scars on your tooth......they will always be there.. I went to get my teeth whitened, and they still did not blend in.. The only way to get hide them is veneers, and it is like a porcelain shell that goes over your tooth (they cement it on).. And it is just the front of your tooth it doesnt cover the back of your tooth.. People just get these on the tops of their teeth usually.. They are pretty costly tho- maybe 100 some dollars per veneer per tooth.. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

there is one answer to all of your questions it is : Veneers, they are costly but will cover the unsightly mineralspots, cover the gap and the ridges will no longer be visible and yes to do this they wil have to shave down the teeth I hope this helpsHealth Question & Answer

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