Have/had Braces?!

Question: Have/had Braces.?
Just got a powerchain and a new arch wire a few days ago and I noticed a quick change within the next day of getting it put on.. My question is ....

DO u notice your results just after you get your braces tightened or do you keep seeing results even when your teeth arent sore.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?

will this gap ever close jeez!Health Question & Answer

I had braces when I was 13-15--- I'm 19 now and I'm very happy with my smile so I think I can help..

I used to notice the most immediate effect right after I got everything tightened and I remember being amazed that it could work that fast aside from the fact I spent most of the day trying to relieve pressure on the brackets..

However once the pain had faded I would still noticed a gradual change overtime, the pain just fades because the pain slowly fades and the appliances tend to loosen, but not enough to impede change..

And yes, the gap will close, it's just slow--- but the powerchain will definitely help to close that--- despite the fact it's one heck of a pain--- it's just a slow process because of how much is really being done in your mouth with all the elastics, bands, and wires..Health Question & Answer

My teeth changed almost immediately.. Within about a week of first getting my tops on, I had noticed my front tooth start to recede (overcrowding made it protrude).. I then got 2 teeth pulled to make more room on my tops and honestly within another week I saw another improvement - now my front teeth are lined up perfectly and it's been less than a month.. I have also had an expander in (the new rapid kind that only use 2 anchor teeth) for about a month now and have noticed that my jaws are just starting to line up more than before..

I notice the most change after the inital soreness of a new wire (different gauge) and/or tightening.. The tightening will happen and I will be sore from that, but within a few days it will be gone.. A few days after that I get more pain in which I know that my teeth have shifted.. Everything for me seems to run in a few days' time..Health Question & Answer

i have had my braces for four years now and i'm always seeing changes, of course your mouth hurts the day after you go to the orthadontist, but a few days after i've still seen VERY big changes my orthadontist is fixing my overbite right now and everyday i see changes.. what a coincidence, i'm going to the orthadontist tommorow!!!Health Question & Answer

Yes, the gap will close.. When i had my palate expander, The gap was huge.. i got my braces, and the gap closed up extremely fast.. i have my braces now, and two of my teeth pointed outwards, they are fine now..Health Question & Answer

i have braces right now, and i usually see a change that day or the next.. even though ur teeth arent sore, they still move.. and yes that gap will close, thats what the power chain is forHealth Question & Answer

I have braces right now.. and yes the gap will close.. Your teeth will be beautiful.. Dont worry bout it.. it takes some time.. youll notice a diffrence in a couple of months for sure..Health Question & Answer

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