Are dentists in the USA dental surgeons, or are there different levels of dentistry?!

Question: Are dentists in the USA dental surgeons, or are there different levels of dentistry.?
I have just made an appointment for my 7 year old, who has a decaying milk tooth, that to my mind, needs removing.. I was told that the "doctor" doesn't do tooth extractions! What sort of professional am I seeing then.?
(I'm from England originally, and am used to a dentist dealing with everything......)
Root canal work was mentioned - surely not on a milk tooth.?Health Question & Answer

Mrs.. Doyle,
There are many US general dentists out there who "do everything" dental for their patients.. As a general dentist, we have the license to do all procedures under the scope of dentistry.. HOWEVER, the catch is that we are held to the same standard as dental specialists when doing specialty related things..

Your daughter is only seven, and needs some "major" dental work.. Is she emotionally mature.? How might she respond to tooth extractions, or even root canals (usually pulpotomies are performed on baby teeth..) Some dentists do not feel comfortable with children, and would prefer a specialist handle them, especially if there is alot of work to do..

I could probably sneak an appointment, with anesthetic, and fillings, or extractions, etc.. by a small child, but not the second time! Kids are smart, and aren't easily fooled! Hurt them once, and they remember.. I prefer to refer little ones to specialists when I know there is alot of dentistry to do.. I like them put to sleep and all their needs taken care of at once.. That way, they aren't traumatized by the dentist, and won't have to look forward to a lifetime of dental anxiety..

For your edification, I have included a reference to the Board recognized specialties from the American Dental Association..

Best of luck to you and your daughter!

.org/prof/ed/specialties/definitions..asp" rel="nofollow"> Question & Answer

There are Dentists and then there are Oral Surgeons and there are Orthodontists

Most Dentists will do cleanings, fillings, root canals, sealants etc..
Orthodontists to reconstruction like, braces, head gear, retainers etc
Oral surgeons do wisdom teeth removal, jaw breaking, and jaw reconstruction, and other MAJOR work

My Dentist will do minor extractions, but i think it's just a preference at that point..Health Question & Answer

Absolutely!Health Question & Answer

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